Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] be [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ hidden interest rate ’ may also add to the rates shown above for shop accounts , trading checks and tallymen : the rates shown for them are based solely on interest charged by them .
2 no I 'm not , I 'm sorry I said some of them are raised now for the first time , I was about to say I 'm not complaining I 'm simply pointing out , standing here without the instructions I ca n't deal with the matter
3 I mean we had a lot of them are run anyway on credit , there 's no real capital lying behind those businesses .
4 The woody floras of those forests that are surrounded on all sides by arid woodlands consist of species with wide neotropical distributions and many of them are found elsewhere in a wide range of habitats while few are restricted to montane forest .
5 This is not because they are taken for granted — quite the reverse , for each one of them is valued more with each year that passes .
6 We disagree strongly with any calculation of dosage being based on plasma half life derived from the difference between only two observations , especially if the first of them is taken early in the distribution and not in the elimination phase .
7 Activities are planned in groups , and a more detailed description of them is put together in the planning process .
8 He knows that the rock that crushed the skull of his great friend John Taylor when the two of them were swept away in a blizzard on the Ben could have finished him instead , but he deals with it calmly .
9 When W. C. T. was two years old his mother gave birth to his brother John ; the pair of them were baptised together at the parish church on 21 January 1775 .
10 It was n't exactly warm inside Whitely and many of them were dressed only in shorts .
11 Both of them were taken aback by the force with which she said it and she blushed red .
12 All of them were drawn together on the basis of a conviction similar to our own that God was calling them to something new .
13 Many of them were initiated independently by the schools , and some were a direct consequence of national legislation , but the Authority 's own profile in this area continued to be remarkably restrained .
14 It 's a question of we were told always to be brief , it has to be brief , you ca n't say everything .
15 When topless photographs of her were published recently in a small-circulation New York magazine under the headline ‘ Backstage Peep Show ’ , she was reported to be claiming damages of $25m for ‘ irreparable damage to her reputation , career and personal image ’ .
16 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
17 He 's unlikely to ever score a more crucial point , but there 's no danger of him being carried away in the general euphoria .
18 In simpler creatures , granules of it are distributed evenly throughout the egg ; in a frog 's egg , it is concentrated at one end ; and in a bird 's egg it initially fills the greater part of the shell .
19 Evidence of its long lively history is abundant in the village and although some of it is impressively obvious , much of it is tucked away in farmyards and back gardens .
20 A sacrifice of analytical rigour may not be that important if the concept which has been thereby given life is never used , and it is clear from Lord Greene M.R 's judgment in the Wednesbury case that he conceived of it being utilised only in the extreme ( and hypothetical ) instance of ‘ dismissal for red hair type of case . ’
21 Although this is not accepted widely among the medical profession , there are many reports of it being used successfully for the treatment of hyperactive children .
22 I used to work with an ex-BBC engineer who revelled in the fact that , in his day , Radio 3 , which was deemed by many hi-fi buffs as tonal nirvana , emanated from studios with ageing turntables and consoles , odd lengths of disparate signal cable were employed and much of it was held together with string and Sellotape .
23 An addition to Rotterdam 's World Trade Center was built in 1986–87 and one part of it was set aside for a V.I.P. entertainment suite .
24 However , the bulk of it was brought together by his son , Franz-Ernst ( 1659–1727 ) and , in turn , the latter 's great-grand-son , Josef ( 1773–1861 ) .
25 Most of us are located somewhere on a continuum between these two positions .
26 All too many women like you are deserted even before their babies ' birth .
27 Rape does not provoke such strong emotions in policemen , and their resistance to dealing with it is expressed more in terms of the greater competence policewomen are supposed to have .
28 By section 14(2) , vessels were deemed to be British-owned if the legal title in them was vested wholly in qualified persons or companies and they were beneficially owned wholly or mainly by qualified persons or companies .
29 The anger that the insults to his intelligence had aroused in him was put aside by the amazement that surrounded the question , and again he mouthed , ‘ What ? ’ then added , ‘ In line !
30 But the swift excitement bubbling inside her was mingled inevitably with sadness , because it was all too late .
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