Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [subord] [pron] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Though the artist was ill with tuberculosis and had no money to pay for his keep , Marama looked after him while he painted her over and over again ; sometimes nude , sometimes dressed , and nearly always against the background of island scenery — near the waterfalls and the secret pools , in dells that laced the volcanic slopes , in the village market , in the main street of Anani .
2 " If you wore iron boots on your feet , you would wear out twelve pairs of them before you found her !
3 When Luke moved her back towards one of the couches , she complied mindlessly , letting him pull her down with him and turning in towards him as he drew her across him , supporting her with one arm while his free hand curved round her , instinct or experience guiding him to the concealed zip of her simple dress .
4 They were almost right on top of her before they saw her .
5 The keeper called , ‘ Sue , Sue — come here , ’ and a young leopard came up to the bars and rubbed herself against them while he stroked her back .
6 He lowered his head , kissing her angrily , and she fought him , struggling beneath him as he kept her trapped , even though she offered such resistance to what he knew so deeply she had wanted from the beginning .
7 ‘ In that case , ’ Maggie said happily , snuggling against him as he put her in the car and came to sit beside her , ‘ I wo n't argue . ’
8 His trousers fell to the carpet , and then he was beside her again , his skin hot against hers as he kissed her and kissed her .
9 She could feel the warm strength of his body against hers as he ushered her out of the cabin , one hand against her back as the lift doors opened .
10 Had Mariot 's lips moved under his when he kissed her ?
11 She would n't take a groom with her although I warned her that the fog might come down later . "
12 And I was with her till I left her somewhere in Southampton , I 'd been in her a good while too .
13 Mr Sargeant , from Farnham , Surrey , told the court Mrs Bridger became obsessed with him after he employed her .
14 And she would have to leave whatever she was doing to sit in with him while he briefed her on what he intended to do , and why .
15 She did n't understand why she had been taken from them when they loved her and wanted to keep her .
16 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
17 Ashamed of her response though she was , she would not pull away from him while he needed her ; that would be even worse .
18 But , flicking her glance away from him when he caught her looking at him , she formed the view that she must have gone a little light-headed with the guilt of her conscience , because it seemed to her that since knowing him she had been visited by one strange thought or feeling after another .
19 The hoarse exclamation was wrenched from him as he parted her trembling thighs , slid his fingers higher to roughly , urgently widen her body to accommodate his strength .
20 When she dared to look up she found herself gazing into burning dark eyes , and when she could n't look away , Alain brought her closer , his arms closing round her as he crushed her against his strength .
21 Instead , his arm tightened round her as he drew her towards him .
22 Knox J. held that ‘ Mrs. Steed was tricked into signing what her daughter put before her because she trusted her
23 His coat fronts were pulled about her while he nursed her as though she were a small child .
24 We laboured for her because we liked her , but she tolerated no lazy work : she was a perfectionist and she had taste , insisting on only the best materials , which was unusual in the suburbs , where Victorian or Edwardian houses were generally smashed open and stripped bare , only to be filled with chipboard and Formica .
25 Her words came back to me as I pictured her sitting by the fire in her tiny croft .
26 She had a daughter , Rosemary Worty , who looked up to me because I locked her up one night .
27 ‘ She looked well enough to me when I saw her on the cake section of the WI stall yesterday morning ! ’
28 She would not return to you because you believed her to be a fallen woman , and nothing she could say would convince you otherwise . ’
29 Yeah I know cos I think you called on her cos you knew her .
30 She did n't cry but stumbled beside him as he led her home .
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