Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [adv] [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The cult of classicism and the ancient world is , of course , central to an understanding of Lorenzo , but far from remaining a theoretical and private interest , as was generally thought until recently , prestigious architectural commissions were part of his clearly defined political programme .
2 Then she had the severest strain put on the control of her newly awakened ear-boxing predilection when his mouth twitched at the corners and it seemed , for a moment , that her sarcasm had amused him .
3 Henry Hamilton claims , in his well managed English Brass and Copper Industries to 1800 , that " most of the German miners were killed , " but this is certainly not so ; nor is there any premiss conferring authenticity upon his statement that " the works at Keswick … were destroyed . "
4 The experts have only to accept that the joint sessions also used groups of models kitted-out for each occasion by Rembrandt from his well stocked theatrical wardrobe and used them for painting as well as for drawing , to come to realize that their efforts over the last seventy years have been largely misdirected .
5 Lady Henrietta knew what was right : everything about her was right , from her tightly bound dark hair to her dark-blue satin slippers .
6 Second prize ( £50 ) goes to Sue Grout of Kirkcudbright for her well constructed fictional article Mountain Monster .
7 At one stage Dave Sprott the northern dentist had suggested they hire a black charabanc and people in Maple Drive , used now to his carefully preserved northern humour , had managed deliberately weak smiles of the kind they managed when Sprott backed them into a corner at someone 's Christmas party .
8 I tried to keep my eyes off his muscular thighs in their tight blue jeans , but as we bent over the café table it was easy to cast occasional surreptitious glances at his powerfully outlined sexual equipment under the much-rubbed fly , which seemed to be almost bursting at the seams .
9 Most people are amazed at our continuing friendship , but no malice is intended : even her nephew , Crawford , good-humouredly looked up at her recently purchased Venetian chandelier and asked , ‘ Aunt Margaret , is that plastic ? ’
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