Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] he have [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 She had half expected him to contact her after she had turned away the team of cleaners he 'd sent to her house to clear up the mess , but she had heard nothing .
2 Well I , I do n't know what sort of terms he 's come to I suppose he told them why how much he 'd got you see .
3 Gay artist Philip Core died whilst fighting in court the Customs seizure of materials he had sent to his London home during a trip to America .
4 Synod endorses with sadness the action taken by the provincial treasurer in the level of commitments he has made to MMF in nineteen ninety three .
5 Within seconds he had screeched to a halt at the medical centre , and her fanciful ideas had vanished in the haste of their rush to help .
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