Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] of [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 By next year there will be no time delay between releases of software for the different architectures , promises Zander .
2 The last of the ceramic bodies developed by Josiah Wedgwood I , Jasper ware was perfected in 1774 after years of search for the right ingredients .
3 The mandate for prayers of thanks for the capture of Caen in 1346 also ordered the publication of the king 's itinerary ‘ for the comfort and consolation … of the entire English people ’ .
4 ‘ Any amount of cases of champagne for the officers and crates of beer for the other ranks . ’
5 Beatrice Webb initiated a number of studies of aspects of poverty for the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws of 1905–09. [ doc .
6 Multimedia databases for computer display containing thousands of such illustrations would therefore need hundreds of megabytes of storage for the images alone , leaving very little room for anything else .
7 However , behind that piece of information will be a myriad of pieces of evidence for the selectors to collect — information about parental values to do with winning and losing , about school attitudes to the athlete 's success , about energy , persistence , etc .
8 His fingers and thumb were stained with ink still , from the long hours with the quill that had assembled there at Dunblane the cartloads of tenting and weapons , of beef and pork and ale-kegs and mattocks , of campaign cauldrons and ovens , of sacks of charcoal for the blacksmiths , of meal for the griddles , and of oats for the couriers , horses , and the toisechs ' garrons , and the powerful mounts that the Normans , alone among Western fighting-men , were accustomed to ride into the battle itself .
9 The Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) met at the level of chiefs of staff for the first time in 1991 on April 11-12 at the organization 's political headquarters in Brussels , under the chairmanship of Gen. Vigleik Eide ( Norway ) .
10 At these the jurors accused various officials , particularly those named in the complaint , of extortion , disseisin , forcible detention of goods and fabrication of warrants of arrest for the purpose of extorting money ( 42 ) .
11 There can be little doubt that this sympathy and support ( of masses of nationalities for the Party ) was one of the decisive factors that determined the triumph of our party .
12 If we can generate the representation of this complete set of degrees of freedom for the isolated atoms , and then subtract the representation of the external motions , we would obtain the representation Γ vib of the whole set of molecular vibrations .
13 Write down further examples of where you yourself are aware of episodes of caretaking for the addict in your life in order to diminish the damaging consequences of his or her addictive disease and give " just one more chance " for him or her to get straight .
14 I felt I was beginning to lose the battle , and the diary for the remainder of the term is full of expressions of hatred for the school , interspersed with the repeated and heartfelt question , ‘ Why ca n't they leave me alone ? ’
15 From time to time the Tanganyika government proposed excision of parts of Masailand for the use of other tribes , and Masai District Officers could be relied on to oppose these proposals .
16 The colonisation of new land , and its demarcation into private estates , created thousands of miles of boundaries for the first time .
17 The ‘ cities of inner despair ’ were conceived as the breeding ground for disorderly protest , and however hard the Government tried to break the causal link between the two , it was forced to take on board the need to restore order not only through the police but through promises of help for the inner cities .
18 Shanahan , Kamil and Tobin ( 1982 ) reported a very interesting study in which they not only examined the effect of normal and scrambled passages on cloze test scores , but also compared the results against tests of recall for the same passage presented without deletions .
19 The LCAC advice was produced in April , the effect of which was to reject any extension for rights of audience for the CPS and other employed lawyers and the Advisory Committee concluded that the Law Society 's application was inadequate in certain respects .
20 The energy giant 's third quarter results , unveiled yesterday , were disappointing with losses of £342m for the period to September .
21 And all the lady members always either before or on the day , come up with bags of stuff for the tombola .
22 In the end the insurance company settled out of court with payments of £3,700 for the car and £1,250 for personal injury .
23 Rafferty is 10th best in Europe right now with winnings of £227,000 for the year and Feherty is 24th at £152,000 .
24 Baker coupled his recommendation with expressions of support for the " courageous people " of the Baltic states , and a warning to the Soviet leadership that " perestroika can not succeed at gunpoint " .
25 It would seem that groupings of authorities and academic institutions which are geographically close have much to recommend them in terms of the potential savings on travelling expenses , and this is clearly also true in terms of projects for the creation of teaching materials which need to bring together a number of practitioners from different schools on a regular basis .
26 The SCDC Arts in Schools Project , although spoken of by the one LEA in the sample which was a participant in terms of gratitude for the support the Project 's staff had given , was criticized by staff in the other LEAs for the limited help it had given to them .
27 Once the immediate crisis of 1940 had been weathered and the country embarked upon the long haul of productive effort and austerity , groups like the ‘ 1941 Committee ’ pressed Britain 's war aims in terms of plans for the future .
28 In terms of preparation for the New Year Test series in the West Indies it is a bit like getting ready for an army assault course by taking the dog for a walk around the block .
29 The definition of house-wifery is cast in terms of responsibility for the running of a home .
30 The definition of housewifery is cast in terms of responsibility for the running of the home ( Oakley , 1974 , p. 38 ) .
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