Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [am/are] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 ( Research and development split between the two lines — currently 50–50 — will soon tip the balance in favour of AViiON , since three years ' worth of products are expected to be squeezed out of the last round of investment in the proprietary line . )
2 On coasts of coral atolls the effects of hurricanes are shown to be significant not only to the reef morphology but also to the organisms and the total environment ( Stoddart , 1962 ) and in drainage basins in general and along river channels in particular the impact of rare floods and the time necessary for recovery has been investigated .
3 Having worked out how your room will be used , you should consider what sort of finishes are going to be suitable .
4 Thus , unionised groups of workers are seen to be leap-frogging one over the other in the struggle to keep real wages rising .
5 For all these states of affairs are said to be united within the complex whole .
6 All these sorts of things are going to be the sorts of things that we 'll bring up in discussion , but you wo n't realize what the problems are until you tried doing it .
7 A substantial but prudent investment of finances is therefore essential to provide a safe service in which the clinical needs of patients are held to be primary .
8 What sort of trees are going to be planted ?
9 Truck loads of antiques are reported to be disappearing from Croatia .
10 ‘ I do n't go to photocalls or to anywhere I know a mass of photographers are going to be .
11 Lots of skirts are beginning to be longer , a berry pattern worn with a long lean cardigan would be splendid .
12 In Japan , an estimated 45 per cent of members are known to be campaigning , compared with 15 per cent in Britain ,
13 Okay Now expect , farmer 's expectations of prices are assumed to be revised , right , each year , farmers revise their own expectations of future prices so that makes some sense .
14 Now how a man who works on can think there 's anything funny about species I just ca n't understand erm but there it is. erm well , suppose , however , that in my view wrongly one did suppose that there was something erm in this sort of idea of the decoupling between the processes which we observed in single populations and erm the sort of mechanisms leading to large scale evolution , what kinds of processes are held to be important when it comes to large scale evolution events ?
15 However , in order to prevent students gaining an honours degree by ‘ attrition ’ , a maximum number of modules are allowed to be taken , if a student extends Stage II beyond six terms , in order to retain honours eligibility .
16 Second , even if straightforward authoritarianism and minimisation of wages are assumed to be universal features of capitalist rationality , it is difficult to claim that this ‘ rationality ’ is uniformly imposed in practice as a function of the ‘ undisputed authority of the capitalist ’ ( Marx ) .
17 Roxanne Shante 's put-downs of men are meant to be feminist ; and suddenly we 're meant to respect Salt'n'Pepa 's greed , opportunism and exploitation of their own bodies .
18 The kudos of the job , the implied associations and the admiration of others are felt to be more than enough compensation .
19 Whereas a majority , 54 per cent , of households in Birmingham would have gained under the poll tax if it had been levied in 1988–9 , only 39 per cent of adults are shown to be gainers .
20 Keith Pringle ( ‘ Gender politics ' 4 March ) asserts that because of male socialisation and the fact that 77 per cent of abusers are thought to be male , all men may have some potential to commit sexual abuse .
21 Indeed , the E.coli rrnB and rrnD P 1 promoters for rRNAs are known to be salt-sensitive , being necessary not only the initiating NTPs but also low salt concentrations to obtain a stable complex in linear templates ( 8 ) .
22 They have analysed the way that children with disabilities are encouraged to be passive recipients of care in our society , and have fought against this .
23 in pairs are thought to be clever dicks , sorry .
24 Vertical loyalties within groups are taken to be the common base for the preservation of conformity as each individual knows their place and takes on a role consistent with that place .
25 Relations in databases are designed to be searched by the primary keys .
26 Societies have periodic festivals where the usual prohibitions on activities are allowed to be infringed , and the gaiety of these occasions Freud compares , by implication , with the mania experienced by some individuals when their ego coincides with their ego ideal .
27 Readerly judgements about the degrees of co-operative coherence pertaining to texts are seen to be determined by bundles of textual features as well as contextual factors .
28 It comes after a national survey revealed one in four 15 year olds smokes regularly and that sales of cigarettes to children are estimated to be worth around £70m a year .
29 A public sector pay freeze and a squeeze on benefits are thought to be among the main items in the package .
30 Needs for Personal Social Services for children are assumed to be predominantly determined by being in a lone-parent family , regardless of the economic circumstances of the family .
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