Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb mod] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 C it is shown that the demand for futures can be split into speculative and hedging components , and that it is rational for a risk-averse trader to speculate and hedge simultaneously in the same future .
2 This preference for patterns must be taken into account in any survey of early transmutationism .
3 Comparable ideas about artists can be discovered in other cultures , but also very different views .
4 Just as ideas of precedence between states could be adjusted in practice to cope with the growing importance of the Dutch republic or Savoy , so governments which really wanted to negotiate could always find ways of doing so which side- stepped difficulties of ceremonial and procedure .
5 These back developments known as courts could be found in most of the older city streets of my boyhood .
6 He advised teachers ‘ to get to it ( the atomic theory ) as quickly as possible ’ , describing it as ‘ one of those short cuts with the human mind often takes to raise itself quickly to a height from which the relations between phenomena can be discerned at a glance ’ .
7 There is no doubt that the three surface positions for adjectives can be correlated with the three intensional patterns given in ( 37 ) .
8 The primary role for researchers should be to work alongside practitioners and help them understand not only what clients are saying but help them think through the nature and impact of their interventions .
9 A first call for proposals may be made in April with a deadline for submission around the end of May .
10 For example , a social welfare budget might be created in that the taxes conceived of as paying for programmes could be allocated in line with the volume of social welfare benefits provided .
11 Under the Covenant of the League , disputes between nations could be settled by discussion and arbitration .
12 Links between subjects may be sought for to enable a thematic approach or topic work to continue .
13 One of the critics of the Touche Ross report , Professor Arthur Midwinter , of the department of politics at Strathclyde University , said last night that it now looked as if the scope for savings would be narrowed to the point where it had to be asked whether it was worthwhile proceeding with the reforms .
14 The basic norms of behaviour and activity for parties would be defined by republican laws .
15 Advance bookings for parties may be made by contacting the general office .
16 Much of our evidence about outputs will be based on anecdote and hearsay .
17 He 'd then possibly forgotten these dreams or fantasies and then when the stimulus of feeling something on the back of his neck happened to him whilst asleep , suddenly the fantasy came back , all as a piece as it were , and it occurred to me that your dream about driving off viaducts might be caused by being asleep , having one of these falling experiences , then relating it to previous thoughts you 'd had , you know on the freeway or something , oh my God , how awful it would be if I , if I drove off that bend below , do you know what I mean ?
18 Comparisons between countries might be based on qualitative judgement , but a variety of quantitative techniques can be used for analysis .
19 The basis for international trade between countries can be explained in terms of the economist David Ricardo 's theory of comparative costs .
20 The UNECE report warns that direct comparisons between countries should be treated with caution , and that a number of other factors ( such as wind strengths ) may account in part for defoliation .
21 Now , there is a basic constitutional principle , embodied in the Bill of Rights of 1688/9 , that the levying of taxes must be authorized by statute , and so there is an argument for saying that non-statutory rules made by the Revenue which effectively determine a taxpayer 's liability to tax are ‘ unconstitutional ’ .
22 The geographical image of states must be replaced by the behavioural image of systems .
23 A considerable overlap of values can be seen in controls and patients with oesophagitis Grade 0 and I , as well as among all oesophagitis groups .
24 A tile of lecturers may be stored in ‘ lecturer number ’ or ‘ lecturer name ’ sequence .
25 Again , this second set of reasons would be subscribed to by Free Presbyterians , who would only differ from the bulk of the Protestant population in being more consciously committed to such arguments .
26 All external users of products can be registered with LIFESPAN and details held of the products used by each client .
27 Similarly , hundreds of products can be sold with ‘ Good food costs less at Sainsbury ’ .
28 A third is archaeological context : very occasionally a coin or group of coins can be dated from the other objects in the same stratum , as revealed by excavation .
29 It would be nice to think that a rapid flow of projects will be generated by this initiative and in due course this may be so .
30 The seeds of herbs may be dispersed by large mammals , which eat and pass plant material in bulk : many such seeds have up until recently been considered to exhibit merely ‘ gravity ’ dispersal , when looked at in isolation from the rest of the plant .
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