Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It was originally used for prisoners waiting to be deported to Australia , and it also housed the infamous Crippen and Christie who were both hanged and buried there .
2 ‘ You 're a lady of mystery , full of secrets waiting to be unlocked , but that 's no problem .
3 A court dealing with an offender who is already subject to a community service order may make a further consecutive order , so long as the total number of hours remaining to be performed does not exceed 240 ( as this is a matter of principle rather than statute , the court is prepared to contemplate minor departures , as where the offender has very few hours to work off under the original order . )
4 The legend that Crabb was taken back to Russia alive continued to circulate for several years and indeed still does , helped by a number of books claiming to be based on secret information from the East .
5 Erm we 're hearing reports that parts of schools having to be closed or th threatened to be closed because they 're not sufficiently hygienic for pupils or teachers to work in .
6 The Buckinghamshire assessments seem , on the contrary , to illustrate the other side of the story , of commissioners having to be directed by the Council to commence their labours afresh , employing any and every ‘ practice ’ to ferret out the truth .
7 Refreshed , we drove on to Shwebo and had breakfast with a small group of SPG missionaries who had camped out there , looking after the stream of refugees hoping to be flown to India .
8 I remember small boys all wanting to be cowboys and the role of Indians having to be forced on the smaller ones .
9 While there is a steady stream of visitors looking to be fed , the volunteers are also needing a steady stream of food , especially soup .
10 To read Barthes 's Mythologies is to make going on the London Underground an agonizing assault of messages begging to be decoded ; advertisements and dress styles proclaim loudly while faces remain blank and meaningless .
11 b ) enabling such grants to be made in respect of costs falling to be charged to accounts in respect of financial years ending after March 1993 but not later than March 1996 .
12 So although his neighbours opposite occupied houses with gardens , his side of the street had to work for a living : he would have been used to seeing the flame fanned by the bellows of the blacksmith , the steam rising from the sweating horses in the carrier , s stables , and — we may hope — a line of customers waiting to be served in his little shop .
13 the number of modules waiting to be stored offline
14 the number of modules waiting to be restored online
15 Yeah but a lo a lot of quotes gon na be made to them after are n't there ?
16 The workshop identified a number of issues needing to be tackled if employment for women is to be created .
17 He was to see the beginnings of the great urban slums of New York and Chicago , and he must have had some sense of this if they were going to speak to American working people , but still , there was the mythology , the possibility of millions of dollars waiting to be made .
18 Whatever the style of travel — as an independent traveller or in an organized group — there is a kaleidoscope of destinations waiting to be reached .
19 If that can be done with improved efficiency with the whole range of services continuing to be carried out , there is no reason why the Secretary of State for Wales should not dive approval to such a scheme .
20 It has long been accepted that this exclusive jurisdiction prevents the courts of the land from dealing initially with issues falling to be decided by the visitor , and prevent an appeal from the visitor to those courts .
21 Young led , in terrace parlance , the steaming in , which at one stage involved at least 10 players with punches appearing to be thrown .
22 In the days of the Bestiary and the Emblem Book , animal pictures had shown the world of Aesop 's fables ; butterflies giving us a symbol of resurrection , and also of feckless enjoyment , in pictures waiting to be decoded .
23 Like rows of tulips in buckets waiting to be bought .
24 In the UK , Star Computer Plc , Watford , Hertfordshire , has launched Unix/DOS integration tool kit MSWindows : which allows Unix applications to run within MSWindows on a personal computer or Unix machine , or alongside other Windows applications such as Lotus 1–2-3 , without applications having to be rewritten .
25 Relatedly , it afforded the wife no financial privacy ( except by couples opting to be taxed as two single persons , which ‘ paid ’ financially only if the loss of the husband 's allowance could be compensated for by a lower amount of income subject to a tax band higher than the basic rate ) .
26 Hegel suggests that we all aim to be recognised by others wanting to be noticed by others , to be deemed worthy by others are traits we all have .
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