Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [coord] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I pay enough tax on my first job ’ , Mike said , and did n't accept the connection between taxes and help for the unemployed .
2 POLICE should abandon ‘ fashionable management theories ’ which blur traditional relationships between ranks and return to the hierarchical principles of leadership , a senior officer said yesterday .
3 MCD spectra provide information about the degeneracy of states and help with the assignment of electronic spectra .
4 The cube dependence is not a precise match with the 3.4 exponent obtained from viscosity measurements of long chains , but it is acceptable , particularly as the model gives a satisfactory picture of how a polymer chain can overcome the restraining influence of entanglements and move within the matrix .
5 Children have to learn that it is easier to start at one end of a line of objects and finish at the other .
6 In conjunction with several American firms , Clive and Stokes has been involved in developing ISA ( International Search Associates ) which aims to find firms who will adhere to a strict set of rules and co-operate in a manner which will enable the client to have the benefit of local know-how , with less restrictive off-limits constraints , but at the same time have an international outlook .
7 Mr Launders is pleased with the responsible reaction of shareholders and press to the valuation .
8 The boys play the role of husbands and behave in the same way as they see their fathers do in their respective homesteads .
9 Take himself off to Yzordderrex and set up business with Peccable ; marry Hoi-Polloi despite her crossed eyes ; have a litter of kids and retire to the Hills of the Conscious Cloud , in the Third , and raise parrots .
10 And anyway , why would the Cathedral jackdaws suddenly break the habit of centuries and come to the south side when their haunt had always been on the north ?
11 As a fellow Chairman of these Tribunals I find myself in general agreement with him , although is until some way is found to eliminate obviously frivolous appeals from the Local Appeal Tribunal 's decisions I doubt the practicality of having appeals to a Tribunal of Commissioners and blanch at the thought of their Lordships of the Court of Session 's comments if asked to deal with some of the material placed before a single Commissioner at present .
12 Pupils at Grange Primary School in Hartlepool have collected a huge amount of toothbrushes and toothpaste for an orphanage in Romania .
13 You cross a series of bridges and get into the swampy meadowland known as Arthog Bog .
14 They contribute to the enrichment of the quality of life of individuals and contribute to the general economic development of society .
15 There 's no doubt that by revivifying the programme of Descartes and Hume in an extremely forceful and effective way , and arming it with new logical weapons , he did make a very substantial contribution to the theory of knowledge and activated the thinking of a lot of other people .
16 Do n't forget to provide drainage so water does not collect on the treads ; this will make them slippery and potentially dangerous , and will also encourage the growth of algae and moss on the surfaces .
17 It is , in my view , a pity that those candidates wishing to challenge this state of affairs and work towards a truly representative council will be unable to make this known .
18 One is the suggestion that periods of great carbonate deposition correlate with peaks in the productivity of volcanoes and result from the presence of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .
19 of your block of flats and wait for a sign .
20 In1984 he became secretary to the Museum Advisory Board for Scotland , then worked with Robert Anderson , now director of the British Museum , at the National Museums of Scotland before before being put in charge of Museums and Finance at the Office of Arts and Libraries .
21 A shadow fundholding exercise was agreed that would be independently evaluated to assess the effects on the care of patients and look at the administration structures , consulting patterns , and use of doctors ' time .
22 ‘ On June 28 we are having an open day with various activities , a lot of displays and work by the junior section — WATCH .
23 Originating in Scandinavian mythology , elves are capricious sprites that dance on the grass , or sit in the leaves of trees and bask in the light of the full moon .
24 A maelstrom of malcontents and intrigue on the fringe .
25 Here the vines are mostly grown at a height of between 140 and 180 metres on south-east and south-west-facing slopes although some climb steeply from the outskirts of Hautvillers and rise to a height of around 250 metres .
26 The vicomtés of Lomagne and Auvillars , the castellanries of Duras , Puyguilhem , Alemans and Montségur , the lordships of Veyrines and Blanquefort in the Bordelais , and of Dunes and Donzac in the Agenais , then descended to the young Jean I of Armagnac as his wife 's universal heir .
27 If these responsibilities be shirked , valuable and important work will either be held up for want of teachers or fall into the hands of those ill qualified to deal with it …
28 And this need not be just the prerogative ( and burden ) of leaders but develop into a healthy mutuality between lay people , as is already happening in various parts of the Church .
29 The Field Officers provide advice and information , monitor the provision of modules and act as a link between the centres and SCOTVEC ;
30 They will cast down the kingdoms of men and dwell in the ruins before the last day dawns and Chaos swallows the world .
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