Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] they [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We bought it in Paris and I had to stand for hours while they fitted me .
2 They would have nothing to do with recognised ‘ sinners ’ such as tax-collectors because they considered them to be immoral .
3 erm er and it involves going to the lab and sitting around for about a couple of hours while they feed you a bit of sugar and then take some blood tests every half hour .
4 The police had shot the man in the head after he had fired on Police a number of times as they chased him .
5 For example , management may be buying a specific business out of a larger group of companies because they perceive it to have greater value as a single concern than its ( often ) discounted value as part of the vendor 's group .
6 More often it is necessary to identify their effects from survey data obtained from a panel , or sample of individuals followed over time , or from an interview recording the histories of individuals as they recall them .
7 Then you get another lot with another lot of ideas and they do it their way , and nobody likes that either .
8 It took time , it took time , it took a period of years till they got it finalized but when we got it finalized , we had for example er welding areas , in which no one was allowed in unless they were a welder you know .
9 This causes all sorts of complications , I mean if you erm if you qualify as a doctor in Texas er and you go to Massachusetts you have to go through another set of examinations before they allow you to practice medicine in Massachusetts because they do n't accept automatically Texas qualifications , they re regard the ri they retain the right to determine their own standards of procedures in these sorts of areas so their own criminal and civil codes as well as their own political structures so these are major matters .
10 It does n't matter if these two people here , these two appointments are a bunch of wombats or they hate you , or you just , it does n't matter .
11 We were deprived a show of hands because they knew they would be defeated and embarrassed . ’
12 apart from one Reverend the most Reverend Doyle or something and he saw one gunmen and he saw him fire a couple of shots and they told him to piss off out of sort of thing
13 Maybe three months into training , when the captive trees behind the hotel complex burned into autumn flame and the air smelt of bonfires that they told her did n't mean danger , Chesarynth shivered across to the school .
14 It can be seen that their knowledge of AEA was very sketchy and fragmented , they were confused about our range of services and they felt we were too civil service and bureaucratic .
15 Scientists used their own society as the model from which they formulated their ideas , which in turn justified the position of women as they found it .
16 In the subsequent show report , I proclaimed that it was love at first sight and when I heard that a new model was in the offing which would , the company told me , prove to be their most eye-catching to date , I pestered them for weeks until they sent me one for review .
17 Thus , Marxists blame him for not anticipating Marx , war between classes as they define them ; and the need , as they see it , for a frontal attack upon rights in property .
18 Time flows strangely and travellers become lost for years although they think they have been walking only hours .
19 Militant Hindus have been trying to destroy the mosque at Ayodhya for years because they believe it was built by the 16th Century Moslem invaders .
20 A lot of people are prejudiced against mares because they assume they are all temperamental when they are in season ; this is n't necessarily so .
21 ‘ Kristian is very good with fans when they see him the street and ask him for autographs .
22 Second-placed Cambridge have played one more game , but Ipswich , who drew at the Abbey Stadium , have a game in hand and can pull level on points with Rovers if they win it .
23 Her first commission came about quite casually : ‘ My husband and I had gone to stay with friends and they asked me to do a charcoal drawing of their Dachshund , Rosy .
24 Some patients are more suggestible than others in this respect , but a fair proportion of food-sensitive people will react with symptoms if they think they have eaten one of their culprit foods .
25 They have sex with women or they dislike them , sometimes both .
26 She encourages customers to play around with samples so they feel they are helping to design their own rooms .
27 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
28 As times passed , inevitably , people began to arrange their herbs in patterns when they planted them , until eventually the herb patch became ornamental , and was a garden in its own right .
29 That is why Labour and the Tories stand in areas where they know they will lose their deposits .
30 But tutors were so impressed with the two girls ' work in textiles that they made them unconditional offers .
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