Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Influential Western figures encouraged a revival of plans to neutralise Afghanistan in the mid 1980s .
2 A collection of prints depicting Whitby at the turn of the century have been stolen by thieves .
3 Her mother has been told that she can not be cured in this country , so with family and friends she 's launched an appeal to try to raise thousands of pounds to take Natalie to the Hoxey Clinic in Mexico City for specialist herbal treatment .
4 Two of the small number of Liberals representing Quebec in the federal parliament resigned from the party in response to Chrétien 's election .
5 That was clear as a succession of batsmen joined Gooch in the ignominy of having their stumps knocked over .
6 Geoffrey had a fine company of knights with him at Limoges and had also mustered mercenaries in Brittany with orders to attack Poitou from the north-west .
7 The rest of the journey was an anticlimax by comparison , as it would be for passengers approaching Perth from the Pacific .
8 Moreover , we failed to find that Helicobacter pylori is associated with reduced acute mucosal injury and the relevance of haemorrhagic lesions in patients taking NSAIDs to the development of important clinical lesions has recently been questioned .
9 A special office has been established by Customs to manage Intrastat in the UK , with the aim of maintaining the register of Intrastat traders and ensuring compliance .
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