Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] years have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the inner city depopulation of recent years has led to falling rolls in city schools and the consequent rationalisation of local education has caused certain Board schools to become redundant , releasing them for alternative uses .
2 For example , the change in the sex ratio of recent years has resulted in fewer women remaining single , but single women were heavily relied on in certain social fields , as teachers , social workers , nurses and residential staff ; a shortage could have a marked effect on the staffing position in these fields .
3 Very few politicians of recent years have lived in simpler surroundings and with less show of luxury .
4 Many of the initiatives laboured over in previous years have come to fruition and a host of new ventures has sprung up , bringing fresh opportunities and challenges .
5 Initiatives in under-fives and special needs in recent years have stemmed in part from these recommendations , some of which , of course , formed the basis of the 1981 Education Act .
6 Most notably , the Spanish strategy was being implemented by a modernizing , socially reformist government , while in Britain the increasing pressures on the railways in recent years have come from a radical Conservative government hostile to the public sector in principle .
7 While British surfing in recent years has developed into Day-Glo sporting fantasy , into pipeline boasts in city pubs , and into Newquay , Newquay , Newquay — booming as the ‘ surf capital ’ of Britain — these boys have looked to carve a different route .
8 The development of retirement counselling in recent years has arisen from the significant numbers of retiring people who soon encounter severe personal problems .
9 Corinne Mercardier , photographer , draughtswoman and sculptress , who in recent years has concentrated on landscape , continues her explorations in scenes from her everyday life .
10 Perhaps the most satisfactory music in recent years has come from writers involved in the liturgy of a particular community , effectively as composers-in-residence , Among those in Britain writing for the Roman Catholic Church may be mentioned Stephen Dean , Philip Duffy , Bernadette Farrell , Paul Inwood , Alan Rees , Bill Tamblyn and Christopher Walker .
11 The only really significant inroad into the dominance of English in recent years has come from Spanish in the southern states of the US .
12 The mixture of agrarianist views put forward in subsequent years have tended to be lumped together under the heading of nó0honshugi , the concept of agriculture as the socio-economic base of society .
13 The deregulation of the financial sector over recent years has led to a significant increase in bank lending to industry .
14 However , I think that there would be fairly wide agreement that Government actions in north America during recent years have resulted in the proportion of funding coming from north America being greatly diminished .
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