Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] who had [be] " in BNC.

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1 Labov , by simply altering the test situation , such as by creating informality or having two youths to one researcher etc. , came up with far ‘ better ’ results for clever youths who had been labelled ESN ( educationally subnormal ) by the conventional system .
2 The French troops were hidden by the folds of ground and by the woods and high crops , but the smoke was evidence enough that thousands of men had closed on Frasnes in the night to support the battalion of French skirmishers who had been baulked the previous evening .
3 Reports were coming from all over the country of different children who had been adopted by this kindly old lady .
4 His doubts about the nature and value of contemporary society were frequently expressed also in the Criterion ; in the issue of October 1935 , for example , he had talked about the plight of Papuan natives who had been corrupted by Western civilization .
5 He learned of the death of thousands of British troops who had been involved in a combined operation with the French against Kaiser Bill 's army .
6 Woolton took on to his staff a small group of civil servants who had been working out the implications of the Beveridge report , and also the Uthwatt report on land values .
7 The authorities seemed to adopt a dual approach to the anniversary ; on the one hand they launched a massive security operation in the city and detained a number of potential trouble makers , but on the other hand they attempted to portray an image of leniency by releasing groups of pro-democracy activists who had been arrested in 1989 .
8 Miyazawa had also called during his election campaign for the political rehabilitation and " purification " of Japanese politicians who had been implicated , like himself , in the financial scandals of recent years .
9 What he overheard provided his first insight into the intimate sentiments of mature Fists who had been warriors for over seventy years — as the seven long-service studs on the craggy , crewcut forehead of each star-knight signified .
10 On April 23 Danov announced a criminal investigation against Faks , which was generally sympathetic to the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP — the former communists ) ; also placed under investigation were the parliamentary review Debati , for publishing on April 17 a list of Bulgarian diplomats who had been secret service agents , and the weekly Reporter 7 , for publishing the police file of an alleged secret agent .
11 The 1925 Druze rebellion in Lebanon and Syria was put down with great brutality and with the help of gangs of Armenian gunmen who had been armed by the French in order to attack the rebels .
12 Kuwait also protested about Iraq 's failure to release Kuwaitis and members of other nationalities who had been imprisoned since the Gulf crisis , or to allow Red Cross representatives to visit prisoners .
13 The report chronicled the systematic destruction of the medical system , and included three accounts of the death of premature babies who had been removed from incubators [ see also p. 37927 ] .
14 A number of young activists who had been involved in internal politics since 1976 were also elected .
15 At the end , a small piece of uncut corn would be left , full of terrified rabbits who had been driven further and further into the centre by the binder , the men and the noise .
16 The release of dissident Fang Lizhi in June 1990 [ see above ] was an important symbolic gesture and helped Bush win his battle with congressional critics who had been attempting to block the renewal of China 's most-favoured-nation ( MFN ) trading status .
17 They were among 7,429 Palestinians in Israeli prisons who had been convicted , mainly for " intifada-related activities " , after standing trial .
18 He drew up a map of Scotland based on where the men lived and found the excess of cases in children from rural areas who had been exposed to those men .
19 You could usually win support for bypasses from unhappy communities who had been pounded by heavy traffic on roads quite inadequate for the purpose .
20 President Mobutu Sese Seko signed a decree on Feb. 10 granting amnesty to Zaïrean exiles who had been accused of threatening state security through speech , writing or in any other manner ; it also covered those who had been removed from official posts or banned by the government from involvement in civic and political life .
21 Then he went erm into the Navy for a short time and for some unknown reason he managed to get out of the Navy and came as Mr 's Personal Assistant and erm one of his jobs was to erm get these pe children sorted out and I used to write no end of letters for him to erm places like erm Ilford and Wanstead and mainly the northern suburbs of London erm about certain children who had been attending central schools which were something , which were something that erm East Suffolk could n't offer and erm trying to decide whether they ought to go to grammar school or one of the area schools as they we then were
22 The suspected assassin , José Sales , who was arrested later , was believed to be a professional gunman hired by local landowners who had been blamed for the murder in 1985 of his predecessor Joao Canuto .
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