Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The party 's popular front image , by contrast , captured the imagination of countless intellectuals wishing to be involved in a broad cultural movement committed to the struggle against fascism .
2 For example , stories of piles of urine-soaked mattresses having to be burned by harassed billeting officers have to be placed alongside evidence that hosts sometimes invented bed-wetting cases in order to claim the extra 3s 6d billeting allowance for additional laundry costs : in Llantrisant , in Wales , the total paid out in such allowances rose from 43 in 1940–41 to a staggering 350 in 1941–42 , until there was an official investigation whereupon the number of reported cases fell dramatically .
3 There is no meal ready ; all the washing and ironing sits there waiting to be done , instead of clean clothes waiting to be worn again .
4 Housing benefit is over budget , partly because of the rise in the number of homeless families having to be expensively bed-and-breakfasted .
5 The chief functions of the short time-limit under Ord. 53 are to prevent public programmes from being unduly held up by litigation challenging the legality of such programmes ; and to prevent steps already taken in execution of challenged decisions having to be reversed long after the decision was acted upon .
6 A sudden hush falls , and a hundred faces tilt towards her — curious , expectant , sullen , apathetic — like empty dishes waiting to be filled .
7 The point I wish to make is that , while discipline is the rock on which the game of golf is built , with boiling points having to be checked regularly , the occasional letting off of steam is not the most serious of " crimes " .
8 It did not help that the ‘ Hitler Diaries ’ , the story of how a forger fooled British and German newspapers as well as reputable historians with amateurish fakes purporting to be the German leader 's handwritten diaries , was currently on television .
9 Moreover , the average number of graphs per annual report ( of those companies using graphs ) was 7.5 , with financial graphs tending to be prominently displayed near the front of the report .
10 Four transports carrying a total of 124 children came from Danzig , travelling by train via Berlin to the Hook where they joined up with other groups waiting to be ferried across to Harwich .
11 Ross claims that the Promix system it acquired in 1991 having taken over Pioneer Systems ( CI No 1,730 ) is one of the few available packages specifically designed to address the booming process manufacturing market , with other offerings tending to be adaptations of discrete systems software .
12 Nationalized industries created additional difficulties ; volume planning often led to overcapacity and excessive output , with huge losses having to be written off .
13 We have shown that information does not sit in discrete reservoirs waiting to be tapped .
14 Their only conceptual connection was that someone ( often a foreign observer ) had produced numbers about one phenomenon that could be correlated with numbers from other societies purporting to be about the same phenomenon .
15 The final selection will be based on local requirements and the information returned from governing bodies wishing to be considered for inclusion .
16 Tricks like this are n't just misleading to customers , they 're also unfair on rival traders trying to be honest .
17 Microdiffusion is compatible with deviance theorists ' emphasis on deviant lifestyles having to be learnt ( see Becker 1963 ) .
18 In an undercover police operation in London a shop was set up purportedly to buy and sell jewellery commercially ; it was staffed solely by undercover officers purporting to be shady jewellers willing to buy stolen property .
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