Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hullo there , ’ said the doctor , greeting them as old acquaintances and introducing them to Lydia and Betty .
2 They can stop people , without prior basis of suspicion , ask them for personal details or question them about their knowledge of recent terrorist incidents .
3 There would be problems about fixing the boundaries of regional authorities and providing them with finance — a regional rate would scarcely be popular .
4 The urgent challenge now is to educate worldwide , to bring the relevance of gene-pool conservation down to earth , and to harness the energy of economic forces and team them up with long-term conservation .
5 And worse , before an extraction he used to clank about in a tin box , producing a series of hideous forceps and examining them , whistling softly , till he found the right one .
6 At the fall of France , Donald Caskie had refused a place on the last boat home and instead had gone south where , working from the Seamen 's Mission in Marseilles , he had hidden hundreds of allied servicemen and helped them to escape over the Pyrenees into Spain .
7 Traditional approaches to the problem of defining God 's nature have often concentrated upon running through a list of divine attributes and classifying them in various forms .
8 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
9 He therefore consulted the defendant sellers of agricultural products and asked them to recommend a herbicide that could be used later than usual .
10 He compiled the first useful tables of travel times of seismic phases and used them to show that wave speeds increase smoothly with depth , up to a point where they suffer a sharp decrease , which he identified with the boundary of a central core ‘ possessing radically different physical properties ’ , though he did not conclude that the core was liquid .
11 Consequently , the next phase of collocation acquisition will be to create a set of uni-directional collocations and compare them with their bi-directional equivalent .
12 Quote : ‘ Conservation of lichens oftens means site preservation , identification of old trees and saving them from felling ’ .
13 The almost wordless scene in which Ma Joad , packing her belongings for the last time , comes across a pair of old earrings and tries them on , recalling some long forgotten happiness , is as touching as anything he ever directed .
14 To fill in the travelling time chant leaders are actively engaged in trying out new versions of old chants or making them up from scratch .
15 Gradually he builds up a collection of all sorts of different books and reads them secretly at night while his wife sleeps .
16 However , the Guardian of March 26 assessed that the Council 's composition suggested that " [ Gorbachev ] wants to bring on board a variety of different constituencies and force them to toe the line " .
17 The citizens charter sets out a comprehensive programme to improve the quality of public services and make them answer better to the wishes of their users , where that can be done , by providing choice for the citizen .
18 This compromise incorporates two tiers of tariffs which are likely to reduce marginally the price of British bananas but push them up for the Germans .
19 Spread the nachips with a thickish layer of refried beans and place them in a grill pan on a rack .
20 I saved money on cot sheets because I bought a couple of king-size sheets and cut them up to make three cot sheets out of each one .
21 He has a scheme to take over a small number of simple churches and adapt them as retreats .
22 This can be accomplished by wisely releasing the creative potential of individual employees and empowering them to contribute to the goals of the corporation .
23 Use the template on this page to cut out lots of tiny Trefoils and stick them on to the bookmark .
24 If no assets registers exist which record values , then the task of taking an inventory of fixed assets and valuing them might be a huge and expensive one .
25 ‘ But we played a couple of soft ends and let them back into it , ’ said Belliss later .
26 But it was the latter who paved the way for the evolution of vestigial limbs that enabled them to crawl onto the land .
27 It 's nothing to do with T N T or anything er at all , it 's just er they that organization has wro written to a number of large companies and asked them to er record er , so many , er tapes so they can analyse it .
28 They have to live with the fear of sudden attacks that leave them struggling to breathe .
29 They have to live with the fear of sudden attacks that leave them struggling to breathe .
30 He had taken a group of talented individuals and moulded them into a superb team , ridding them of their old factions and weaknesses , and showing the disbelievers that black men were every bit as good as white .
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