Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] of [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Charles Secrett takes over as executive director of Friends of the Earth in April .
2 Other hypotheses can also be postulated , such as over translation of transcripts of the involved genes .
3 These may include , for example , getting certain undertakings signed by the borrower ( eg as to replies ) within six months , giving banker 's orders for future payment of instalments of interest and capital , etc .
4 In particular I wish to address the development of the OPAC and the associated issue of retrospective conversion of catalogues of ‘ important ’ collections and networked access to them .
5 In particular it relies on estimating the final cost of the investment , the amount and timing of returns , the rate of return on the alternative investment ( the ‘ hurdle rate ’ ) and the rate of real deterioration of items of productive capital .
6 The distortions of communication which occur in these social institutions are as they are , as a result , in part , of unconscious activity of groups of people over time .
7 The RSPB uncovers dozens of cases every year of illegal persecution of birds of prey on estates and farms throughout Scotland , but successful prosecutions are difficult to achieve because of the detailed evidence required .
8 The British banana company , Geest , has been accused of illegal felling of areas of rainforest in north-east Costa Rica , next to the Tortuguero National Park .
9 Lest anybody should have got the idea from my August column that I was in some way in favour of four-year funding of students of architecture , let me set the record straight .
10 She was being investigated in connection with East Germany 's policy of forced adoption of children of politically suspect citizens .
11 There is no information on the sinking characteristics of Thalassiothrix mats but new data from sediment trap studies have highlighted the significance of mass sinking of mats of rhizosolenid diatoms as agents of rapid flux to the sea floor .
12 For a corpus of 2 million words the frequency of adjacent occurrence of groups of 2 and 3 words was determined and stored in a transition matrix .
13 There can be little doubt that its potential is very great , as it provides the opportunity for effective teaching of skills of finding and using information within a context of high pupil interest .
14 I have also killed some beautiful albatrosses , petrels , ducks etc. and four nests with full compliment of eggs of the Black Oystercatcher , small and large gulls , a Teal etc. besides a nest with young of the Emu Wren and other minor things .
15 According to a doctor with considerable experience of cases of dyslexia , the boy was ‘ moderately dyslexic , but the effects … are offset by his exceptionally high IQ which means that those effects are modified but not eliminated … .
16 There are probably too many official visiting bodies concerned with external monitoring of standards of service .
17 We are now back where we were in Elizabeth I 's days : a middle power , making our way in a world dominated by two superpowers , and doing so through intuitive manipulation of balances of power , as we have always done over the centuries .
18 Centres will not immediately be affected , with the exception of those who , by agreement , become involved in small-scale piloting of aspects of the new Framework .
19 No numerical restriction on the number of licences in any particular area is allowed , however the section makes it a ground of refusal that the grant of the licence applied for would result in over provision of facilities of the kind to be provided under the licence .
20 For example , Kuroda and Mio ( 1989 ) have measured the relative acceleration in free fall of pairs of test bodies : aluminium/copper and aluminium/carbon .
21 We ranked rural postcode sectors in ascending order of proportions of oil workers among economically active men .
22 There are still other hints at warm-bloodedness , derived from recent analysis of fragments of dinosaur eggshells .
23 Taking minor ‘ tank ’ irrigation in Tamil Nadu as a case , the principle aims of the research are twofold : firstly , through historical research to understand the social and cultural systems which have sustained collective water management in the past and identify the socio-economic and demographic factors associated with their decline ; and secondly , through the comparative study of on-going programmes to suggest the necessary conditions for successful establishment of systems of community resource management in the present day social context .
24 Leaders of the ‘ first ’ union were subsequently sacked for alleged harassment of members of the newly formed ‘ second union ’ .
25 Without early intimation of dates of training sessions enthusiasm for training could dwindle quickly .
26 The research method will be modelled on previous work of members of the Aesthetics Research Group published during the period 1973-82 .
27 They are all based on long experience of examinations of the type concerned , and ensure that your paper is efficiently marked .
28 We looked at the total incidence of gonorrhoea ; the number of cases of gonorrhoea found in men overall and in homosexual men ; the male to female ratio of cases of gonorrhoea ; and the number of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed in homosexual men ( table ) .
29 Now , as the chairman said we base the salaries of directors on two elements an element of base salary which looks at market levels and we ergo , have a fair base which reflects a sort of medium to upper level of companies of this size we then leverage , very carefully , a bonus scheme related to performance and I believe that is the right thing to do and I believe and so do my fellow directors who sit on that committee believe that it is one of the reasons that we 've seen the great growth in this company over the last five years which you 've achieved and which actually the Chancellor of the Exchequer would very glad about because it is increasing the wealth and the benefit of this country , particularly as a lot of those earnings are coming from overseas and will in , in time be repatriated in Britain .
30 One sort of explanation sees such practices as permanent employment and seniority wage systems as being related to Japan 's unique cultural traditions and the carry-over to modern industry of patterns of social relationships and obligations which characterised feudal Japan.7 Other , perhaps more convincing , approaches ( as these practices are not characteristic of smaller-sized firms ) see them as an employer response to the exigencies of the labour market and as a control device to elicit and reward loyal workforce behaviour ( Jacoby , 1979 ) , since lifetime employment is not a practice of very long standing in Japan .
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