Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] is that the " in BNC.

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1 What is essential for free fall is that the capsule is not powered and that the atmospheric drag is negligibly small .
2 The problem with extracting one of the sayings of Jesus or using the example of the Jerusalem Church as a model for contemporary society is that the whole of the Old Testament is neglected .
3 The very first effect of the absence of parental love is that the parent has no gentle sanction whereby the civilising process and the ensuing conscience can be started .
4 The basic principle of European law is that the provision of remedies for the enforcement of European law rights against member states is a matter for the legal systems of the member states ( although , of course , European law itself does provide remedies for breaches of European law by the Community 's own legal institutions ) .
5 Since the basic hypothesis of the ethogenic approach to the understanding of social action is that the very same social knowledge and skill is involved in the genesis of action and of accounts , by recording and analysing each separately , we have two mutually supporting and reciprocally checking ways of discovering the underlying system of social knowledge and belief .
6 Indeed one characteristic of British democracy is that the country is normally ruled by the party that lies second or third in the opinion polls ( if we take averages over all months since polls began , giving each month equal weight ) .
7 ( Another implication of this way of looking at the origin of moral talk is that the child will learn her primary duties in familial contacts with her parents , close friends , relations , and the family pets .
8 The basic and most idealistic justification of central planning is that the economy should be run for the benefit of society as a whole .
9 Often part of the resistance to the idea of brief admission is that the routine administrative procedures on a ward are geared to more long-term admission .
10 The advantage of adopting the technique of structured eavesdropping is that the participants use their own terms of reference to discuss and make sense of the topic in question .
11 The theoretical explanation of the universality of electric charge is that the electric current of the charges particles involved in an electromagnetic process must be conserved so that charge can not be created or destroyed .
12 The first essential of intensive fieldwork is that the fieldworker should be able to recognize everyone in his vicinity , not just as a set of individuals but as a set of individuals holding named titles to office who consider themselves to be related to one another in a particular way .
13 Of equal significance is that the rules of the game have a tendency to change .
14 The other piece of useful advice is that the woman should pass water as soon as possible after intercourse , as t his too seems to make t his recurrent problem less likely .
15 Dealing firstly with the question of risk , it is our view that if the balance of medical evidence is that the deterioration will occur , then that is more than a risk and the appropriate course is for the Court to award damages on the basis that it is probable that the deterioration will occur .
16 I think the whole nature of artistic practice is that the artist must have a considerable amount of freedom .
17 Another effect of water-borne sound is that the dolphin " sees " its prey very differently to the bat .
18 A point of typographical interest is that the printers of broadside notices and ballads continued to use the old ‘ black letter ’ or Gothic founts of type long after they had been discarded in favour of the Roman letter for printed books ; so that many of them can take us back in spirit and atmosphere to the Gutenberg Bible and Caxton working at the Sign of the Red Pale in Westminster .
19 Nevertheless , many astrophysicists remain unconvinced by the current evidence , and perhaps the only point of general agreement is that the nucleus does not contain a black hole as massive as those expected to reside in extinct quasars .
20 The Piraeus kouros appears to have an iron armature inside , so was cast in one piece ( one of the advantages of sectional casting is that the core can be removed ) ; but it has not been properly studied or published and we can not say what methods were used ; nor do we know what was the nature of Rhoikos ' and Theodoros 's innovation .
21 What appears of particular concern is that the increase in ultraviolet radiation coincides with the time when ocean surface organisms are emerging from the dark winter period and thus have had no time to adapt to the sun , let alone enhanced levels of damaging UV-B radiation .
22 This has no application when the type of substantive error is that the tribunal was improperly constituted , or that it made an order which it was not empowered to make .
23 One of the most interesting findings to come out of recent research is that the visual system consists of a set of circuits arranged in parallel , rather than an hierarchically organized cascade .
24 One of the characteristics of judicial review is that the supervising court does not substitute its decision for that of the public authority ; rather it leaves it to the body to make good its illegal behaviour by making a fresh decision which complies with the requirements of the law .
25 The advantage of whole learning is that the connections between the parts are also learned simultaneously .
26 One advantage of local government is that the nature of your work can change as your career develops .
27 The only safeguard against political censorship is that the BBC " may " ( not " must " ) tell the public that it has received a s13(4) order from the Home Secretary .
28 Another piece of what sounds like good news is that the entire Coherent 4.0 consists of six floppy disks and ‘ installs in less than an hour ’ .
29 The basic principle under English law is that the law which the parties intend to apply will govern the agreement .
30 The condition required for the Fudenberg and Levine ( 1988 ) conclusion with imperfect monitoring is that the dominant strategy type receives strictly positive probability in the priors of the short term agents , or that with positive probability there exist a type which plays the action in equilibrium .
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