Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The calls for political change were backed by the central trade union , religious bodies and by some sections within the UDPM itself .
2 The significance of cinema as a medium of mass entertainment and therefore as a potentially suitable weapon for political control was recognised by Lenin when he remarked , ‘ Of all the arts , for us cinema is the most important . ’
3 More formal opportunities for parent-staff contact are provided in the form of Parents ' Evenings , Parent Workshops and at a number of events throughout the year .
4 Holes in the ground for preserving ice were known in Italy in 1580 , and Sir Francis Bacon died from a chill in 1626 after testing his theory that stuffing a chicken with ice would preserve it .
5 Time out is the method by which all rewards for undesirable behaviour are removed from the child or the child from them .
6 One of Gamsakhurdia 's first acts as executive President was to decree on April 15 that government bodies should organize a campaign of civil disobedience against Soviet interests in the republic , with the aim of restoring " Georgia 's complete de facto independence and its liberation from subordination to imperial structures " .
7 UK reservations about European union were expressed in the final communiqué .
8 Hobson 's belief that protectionism was the logical next step for imperialist politics was reinforced by the launching of Joseph Chamberlain 's Tariff Reform campaign in 1902 .
9 His campaigns for total abstinence were based on appeals to reason .
10 An order for parental responsibility was granted to the father and contact orders were made .
11 The need for ample justification is illustrated by the following :
12 To some extent the blame for rural distress was attributed to the fluctuations in world markets , but as the zaibatsu did not appear to be suffering to the same extent , rural discontent was increasingly directed towards the alliance between politicians and industrial financiers .
13 It is to be noted that need is not referred to albeit that , in practice , many applications for interim payment are made with the specific intent of securing a sum designed to meet a specific need or requirement of the pursuer .
14 A nasopharyngeal swab and blood sample for virological testing were collected from all symptomatic subjects , and a blood sample was collected from convalescent subjects four to six weeks later .
15 When Sir George Strickland 's motion ( having no force of law ) for complete emancipation was passed on 22 May but the government reversed the decision , delegates posed ‘ the Philanthropic and Christian Public ’ whom they represented against such parliamentary manoeuvring .
16 The post of Director General for regional policy was established in 1968 , and the next year saw proposals by the Commission for the creation of regional aid instruments .
17 New strategies for regional distribution were called for , and a fresh interest in the regions was shown by Whitehall .
18 Moreover , the pressure for regional aid was reduced by the effect of the export drive which stimulated even older industrial areas facing long-term decline and gave them the appearance of recovery .
19 Following the departure of the resident cartographer in May , support for geological cartography was maintained by continuing to supply and maintain equipment and materials .
20 Gennady Melikyan 's appointment as Labour Minister was reported on June 15 and the Labour and Employment Ministry transformed into the Labour Ministry .
21 Another difficulty for monetary control is posed by the very narrow ‘ spread ’ ( between borrowing and deposit rates ) that exists in these competitive markets .
22 In Part I we examined in detail the ways in which the conditions for profitable production were reconstituted in the aftermath of the war .
23 Funds for economic development were provided by means of sterling bond issues in the London capital market .
24 With the creation of a formidable nuclear force , the Soviet homeland can no longer be held to ransom against Socialism 's expansion ; as the West 's capacity for direct intervention is blunted by ‘ the growing might of the Socialist camp ’ , the ideological struggle is not only safer , but free to intensify .
25 In 1930 a scheme for social insurance was implemented in France , covering pensions , sickness and a system of family allowances .
26 In particular , the US book market shows an average annual growth rate of 8.25 per cent while the market for electronic information is growing at 20.30 per cent .
27 They correctly point out ‘ that the half-life of sumatriptan is 2 hours ’ and ‘ the intervals between drug administration and cerebral infarction of 1 week in the first case and 12 hours in the second , exonerate sumatriptan ’ , but they then go on to state ‘ no other risk factor for vascular disease was identified in our patients ’ .
28 Most of what is known about social development is based on the study of encounters between a child and one other person , yet much of a child 's life takes place in groups of more than two persons — within the family , the neighbourhood peer groups , the pre-school group , and so on .
29 Hodgskin 's enthusiasm for free trade was rooted in a belief that the power of governments would wither as the relationships within society became subject to economic laws rather than arbitrary legal systems .
30 Watanabe 's appointment as Foreign Minister was received with some surprise in the USA , which had protested in 1988 over his allegedly racist remarks about the country 's black population .
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