Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She went to the Labour Bureau and the clerk there told her that she would be passed fit for clerical work and sent her to the Ministry of Defence Office .
2 The first is nine pages of typed script and took her seventeen hours to do .
3 She wore a fetching , knee-length black dress and a kind of Spanish headdress that made her look a little like a sherry advertisement .
4 When the three of them got up to leave , Melissa glanced across at Dora and met a look of concentrated malevolence that took her by surprise .
5 A panel of experts decided Kate 's winning menu made the best use of French cheese and awarded her the top prize a Concorde flight to Paris for a supersonic celebration .
6 It was her air of nervous tension that set her apart from the other passengers as she jumped from the train at Stowbridge , searching the platform with a fraught expression that only partially lifted when she caught sight of Melissa .
7 As soon as she got back to London she phoned Simone in a bout of maudlin self-pity and told her everything that had happened between them and her decision to end the relationship .
8 Lindsey stood in the doorway , conscious of a sudden tension in her limbs , a feeling of blind panic that made her want to draw back .
9 The Emperor , however , had not sought power simply in order to dazzle contemporaries with spectacle , but rather with the aim of putting France in the forefront of general progress and restoring her to what he considered to be her rightful place in Europe .
10 Heat flared along her veins , ripple after ripple of heady sensation that shook her to the very depths .
11 Audrey Slaughter has led the sort of varied life that gives her the experience and understanding for dealing with SHE readers ' personal problems .
12 And every time he came anywhere near her he seemed to generate a sort of static electricity that left her feeling angry and confused .
13 ‘ Inside information , ’ he said with smug satisfaction that made her want to hit him .
14 He tore a roll open , stuffed it with cut ham and gave her that .
15 It was carved into planes of rugged indifference , though the blue eyes that blazed at Charity were filled with cynical censure that left her in no doubt that he had heard almost every word Mandy had uttered about him .
16 Fate , it seemed , had played right into Luke 's hands , confirming his suspicions about her with illuminating certainty and damning her as a liar .
17 ‘ Too right it is ! ’ he agreed , reaching for her with masterly precision and pulling her up against him , ignoring her small cry of outrage .
18 If , for whatever reason , a husband initially commands higher rates of pay than his wife it makes economic sense for him to ‘ specialize ’ in paid work and let her shoulder the brunt of the partnership 's unpaid chores ( Becker , 1981 , 1985 ; for a critique see Owen , 1987 ) .
19 I suspected that the lesion might by pyogenic granuloma and referred her to the dermatology outpatient clinic .
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