Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] over a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier in the Victorian period , in the winter of 1862 , panic swept through respectable London over a new variety of crime called ‘ garotting ’ , a type of violent robbery that involved choking the victim .
2 WAQAR YOUNIS 'S county Surrey have been fined £1,000 for repeated ball-tampering over a three-year period .
3 The so-called ‘ disparity ’ is simply that pollen primarily provides an integrated record of regional vegetation over a large area , whereas macrofossils reflect strictly local patterns .
4 Glazing is the laying of transparent colour over a dry under layer to create special and/or colour effects .
5 It arises from a combination of factors e.g. dampness and absence of adequate ventilation over a significant period of time .
6 Female mink permit several matings with a number of different males over a protracted mating season .
7 Newton was one of them , and in spite of public fears over a similar junction elsewhere , it had been given the go-ahead .
8 As it must be swallowed , the layer is not too thick , which may account for the common occurrence of relatively thin layers of nutritious material over a single seed or a few seeds in a fruit .
9 In the succeeding months it became plain that the determination of American leaders to play the key role in shaping the new world order was to clash with the equally determined insistence of the Russians that their interests were of paramount importance over a large part of the globe .
10 These informal evening meals create a large part of the social atmosphere , and Nikos ' three course set menu is good , covering a wide variety of Greek dishes over a typical fortnight .
11 But they were not in Great Britain in 1984 , and adjacent areas with similar relatively isolated mining communities ( notably Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire ) differed very substantially not only in their support for the strike call but also in their level of industrial militancy over a substantial period of time .
12 A Security Council vote to enforce its no-fly zone declaration had been expected as early as yesterday but it was postponed because of arduous negotiations over a final text , including the grace period before shoot-down or other orders could be issued .
13 The GAO report cites the instance of one storage tank which it estimated had leaked between 50,000 and 800,000 gallons of radioactive water over a ten-year period up to 1978 , against the operators ' reporting of 5,000 gallons .
14 Perhaps the observation of particular teachers over a prolonged period combined with the charting of individual pupils ' learning experiences — including visits to the library — and the ways in which they did or did not use project-purchased resources would achieve this end , but there are clearly practical and methodological objections to such activities .
15 Day after day , she did what was expected of her and there was so little fire left in her that , when Mr Landor emptied a jug of red wine over a white damask tablecloth and kicked in her direction a cushion which split and sent feathers flying everywhere , she said not a word .
16 There are two key measures : ( 1 ) the incidence rate ( the number of new cases over a given period , usually a year ) and ( 2 ) the prevalence rate ( the number of cases/persons affected in the population at a particular moment in time ) .
17 This restriction to particular ‘ niches ’ in the environment is the result of a partitioning out of competing species over a limited range of resources ; each comes to live in the portion of a habitat it can exploit best for reproductive purposes .
18 An important aspect would be a study of the progress of a sample of young people over a long period .
19 Although Kraemer and Roberts ( 1984 ) were able to demonstrate an apparent loss of latent inhibition over a long retention interval using chocolate milk as the CS , no effect was apparent when saccharin was used .
20 The BMC 's ability to negotiate access agreements for the whole climbing community and to enforce their controversial bolting policy has been thrown into stark relief over a small and obscure gritstone crag in the Derbyshire Peak .
21 Just sometimes , this one had crimson nails , left over from the other , who wore a tight black skirt and a black jacket with padded shoulders over a pink silk shirt and was carefully made up with pink and brown eyeshadow , brushed blusher along the cheekbone and plummy lips .
22 There was considerable vaginal dilation ; in my view , only consistent with full penetration over a long period .
23 We sometimes surprise ourselves as well as our near and dear ones by suddenly exploding into unreasonable anger over a trifling offence which just happens to be the last straw that breaks the camel 's back .
24 Adjustment of C 2 to procure division of potential that is independent of frequency may be carried out directly working with sinusoidal inputs over a wide range of frequencies or more conveniently through monitoring the distortion of fast pulses .
25 ‘ Look here : that was in broad daylight over a single strand of wire , not under fire from any machine guns , and with no patrolling goon with a gun to meet us on the other side .
26 According to government estimates , the Soufriere geothermal project could potentially provide electricity for around a quarter of the island 's population and saved about US$250 million in foreign exchange over a 30-year period .
27 It 's difficult to be sure , but I 'd say he 'd been put in the water immediately after death and that he 's been tossed about in shallow water over a rocky bottom ever since .
28 Batteries last longer if they are charged and discharged in deep cycles over a long period .
29 We therefore laid our plans and moved out in good order over a long period of time .
30 The majority of the work shown was very recent , but several of the pieces date back as much as 10 years revealing her fascination with the themes from classical mythology over a long period .
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