Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [vb mod] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 That Jurors ought to be duely impannelled and returned and Jurors which passe upon men in tryalls for high Treason ought to be free holders .
2 that the price of limited liability ought to be the maximum possible disclosure of information regarding the company 's financial position ,
3 However , the ethyl ester of ethanoic acid used to be called ethyl acetate , whereas today it is ethyl ethanoate .
4 It is advisable , however , not to alter the tuning of any one drum by more than a tone ( since small alterations of tuning can be effected by ‘ feel ’ to a great extent ) , and a dozen or more bars of moderate time ought to be allowed for accurate adjustment of the tuning-screws .
5 The commonest example of time-lapse stop-motion used to be in biology films , like the old Rank Secrets of Nature by Mary Field or innumerable educational films for schools from companies like Encyclopaedia Britannica Films .
6 The development of new fonts used to be the business of companies like Linotype and Monotype , which built typesetters with proprietary technology .
7 My own view of New Age used to be , and to some extent still is , not dissimilar to that of the performance artist Trevor Stewart , who under the alias of Ted Bunny , ritually sets fire to soft toys as a protest ‘ against everything New Age and holistic ’ .
8 They often have a very small percentage of the population anyway , and er I 'm glad we 've brought this matter up , because I think that is something which needs further investigation , that the the ordinary public and the many little , or the millions of voluntary organisations ought to be encouraged to have a more output in forwarding names .
9 Partisan nomination of senior judges used to be the rule in Britain but has not really been so since the 1920s .
10 Yet Northern Ireland is like Italian politics used to be : dominated by its partyocracy and political blocs , shifts of a few percentage points represent an earthquake .
11 Some will say that , when there is doubt whether an apparent refusal of consent is valid in circumstances of urgent necessity , the decision of a doctor acting in good faith ought to be conclusive .
12 As to the question of where the resources should come from , avoiding the easy ( albeit probably correct ) let-out of ‘ abolish capitalism ’ , I would say simply that the transfer of money to unpaid workers ought to be the next stage in the redistribution of wealth , taking precedence over ‘ breadwinners ’ pay claims , tax-cuts or ‘ family ’ benefit increases .
13 Similarly , the entry cost for new mini-computers used to be $25 million and five years ' work , but has now fallen to below $5 million and one year .
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