Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Immigration officials would be empowered to refuse entry to foreign nationals deemed to be economic migrants , while processing of applications for political asylum would be speeded up .
2 The extent to which cultural developments were paving the way for political developments can be gauged by the success of the Amsterdam International Congress against War and Imperialism organised by Barbusse and Rolland in August 1932 .
3 As to my hon. Friend 's comment that the security forces should be allowed to operate without constraint from political considerations , I can give a categorical assurance that no such restraint for political reasons will be imposed .
4 Words for strong stemming might be filtered through a table of exceptions which are not to be stemmed ( " organism " , " organist " etc ) Strong stemming is an economical but crude way of automatically bringing in some of the halo of see also terms which surround many search words .
5 Where damages are clearly not an adequate remedy , an order for specific performance may be granted .
6 For non-responders , once the above items have been dealt with satisfactorily , supportive psychotherapy and drugs for specific indications may be added .
7 Enquiries about certification for European projects should be directed to .
8 ‘ The aim is that the creative function , which is necessary for European identity will be protected ’ , he has said .
9 The value of on-the-job training for junior staff should be maximised and where necessary different types of work ( or staff ) moved around the office to ensure an even distribution of basic knowledge .
10 Further information about possible links can be obtained if we consider the way in which 24-hour rhythms ‘ grow ’ out of ultradian ones during infancy .
11 Yet doubts about political patterns may be overdone and result in a denial of such phenomena as a New Deal in the United States in the 1930s , Gladstonian Liberalism in the late nineteenth century , or collectivist politics after 1945 .
12 In addition to that , direct Murdoch promotions are boosting sales , but Granada warned that estimates for total demand should be taken ‘ with a certain pinch of salt . ’
13 At present the use of colonic motility tests in clinical practice is limited and will remain so until normal ranges for colonic pressures can be defined and more effective treatments for the various motility disorders identified .
14 This is a two-fold process : first the wear that the object could have received during normal usage must be replicated , and then the decay and corrosion of centuries of neglect or burial must be induced .
15 This helped enormously to develop in the public mind the idea that ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was a place where idealized longings for rural relics could be indulged , where clothes with bustles , tiers , smock aprons , frills and puffed sleeves could be found .
16 The work of the Rural Development Commission and the Development Board for Rural Wales will be boosted .
17 The importance of private funds in breaking through administrative barriers can be seen in other aspects of island life .
18 Campeanu was outspoken in his criticism of the idea that dollars channelled through private corporations should be accepted .
19 Some of the simpler systems provide a context in which certain ideas about turbulent flow may be elucidated ; e.g. the analysis of the closure problem in the appendix to this chapter .
20 It will be a relief to get the wrangling over with , so that Maastricht 's big promises and improbable programme for monetary union can be tried out on an enlarged Community .
21 But this also will only be a short-run position as inflationary expectations will be revised upwards to 8 per cent in the long-run and the Phillips curve will shift upwards again , this time to curve C.
22 Hydrogen produced during colonic fermentation may be excreted , or removed by H 2 consuming bacteria such as methanogenic and sulphate reducing bacteria .
23 In this context the declaration noted , however , that prospects for economic assistance would be enhanced if the Soviet Union decided to " shift resources substantially away from the military sector and to cut support to nations promoting regional conflict " ( the latter being an implied reference to Cuba ) .
24 Perhaps performance-related pay for hon. Members could be debated by those of us who are here on Fridays for important debates such as this .
25 A 50 per cent preference for residential care might be considered high , but it should be remembered that the dementia sufferers in this sample were mainly already in the advanced stages of their illness , and also that only 3l per cent of the principal carers were spouses , and it is among spouses that the highest preference for home care appears ( see Gilhooly , 1986 ) .
26 Two classes of explanation for social behaviour can be identified .
27 Trips that are solely for information or for social contact can be replaced by verbal contact via the telephone and the outcome can be satisfactory for the rural resident , although not as rewarding in terms of personal contact .
28 Stratification systems which provide little opportunity for social mobility may be described as ‘ closed ’ ; those with a relatively high rate of social mobility as ‘ open ’ .
29 Needs for social care would be identified according to the social services department 's policy and budgetary constraints .
30 Many campaigners feel that chimps for scientific purposes should be bred in captivity , to avoid draining the wild resources .
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