Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] and [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
2 He began by explaining his mission for AEA and whether he saw that it had been accomplished .
3 ‘ We are talking about a man who played 90 times for England and if he had n't been injured would certainly have played over 100 .
4 I 'm defiantly proud to point out that I did thirteen drafts of Wanda and that I 've been writing comedy professionally since ‘ 63 , so by the time I was writing Wanda it was 24 years .
5 He has a song in praise of Bathsheba and when he has left , Lily sings it too — in praise of him …
6 DIME Projects began when Geoff lectured at the University of Stirling and when he retired the separation of DIME from the University realised money which Geoff has now asked the SCCC to manage .
7 The land that formed the estate and the acre John owned in the city centre are now important parts of Sydney and if they had been retained in Piper ownership until developed , his descendants could have been fabulously rich .
8 Wild dogs are rare , even in the remotest regions of Africa and if we needed final proof that anything can happen on safari in Botswana , there it was .
9 ‘ There 's steelworks on one side of Wollongong and as you get to the other side , where we 're closer to , it 's all tropical rain forest and beach .
10 Later that month , the former Rangers and Scotland forward Andy Cunningham was appointed manager of Newcastle and although he had played alongside Gallacher in the Scotland team a few years before , there was no great bond between the two .
11 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
12 Er Mr has referred to site number five which was the A six one north of Killinghall and because we 've already had this discussion , I would presume the inner relief road would have dramatically changed those figures there .
13 Others say that Tethlis grasped the Sword of Khaine and that it writhed in his grip and started to come free , and that the king was cut down by his own bodyguard who feared the consequences of Aenarion 's fatal weapon being unleashed once more upon the world .
14 We struck out for Cambridge and although we made the odd wrong turn they were quickly rectified and with luck on our side we found the hotel .
15 They told me that they came from the country near Lagrimone and that they had obtained permission to come to pray in the Santuario for their cousin who was fighting in Russia .
16 Mr Deputy Speaker I I 'm grateful to the honourable gentleman for posing the central question and I hope in the course of my remarks I will satisfy the house , if not all Labour members , that the settlement proposals are at is all to the good and delivered by councils throughout Wales and that they offer enough money er to avoid sacking essential staff , certainly the offer enough money to avoid sacking any teacher who is needed in the classroom .
17 Yet later that evening , when they had both returned home and he had enquired about her meeting with Alison and whether she had bought a pram , she had hesitated before admitting she had actually been to a cinema .
18 She was previously with IBM and before she left launched a new networking consulting business for IBM North America .
19 My sister Ellen , sir , who has had charge of my first-born this three long years , her husband William died of blood poisoning in September and she is now alone and I have written even before I heard of the plan to go to Rome to beg her to come out here to me with Oreste and if she does , as I think she will , having no other family or ties , then she might look after my house and other child for the winter and we would all profit without further trouble . ’
20 I got into Edinburgh and before I came up I took a year off and worked and travelled .
21 From time to time he would visit his family in Germany and when he left in July 1939 everyone assumed he would return .
22 There was a long silence and then a deep sigh from Fernando and when he spoke again his voice was soft and almost at the point of exhaustion .
23 Yeah , yeah and then they 'll be able to stay Joseph and Charlotte will be full time in January they 're allowed to , I think what it is , is , they 're allowed to start when they 're small part time but they 're not allowed to go full time until the term they 're gon na be five in and you see Charlotte will be five in March and because I think that comes before the Easter of the Bank Holiday , erm she 'll be able to start January full time , where you 're supposed to , you know , three years they 'll all be
24 he passed his eleven plus as it was then and er he went to a school called Regent Street Grammar school in Plymouth and when we moved in here I had to go to Holly House , I think they call it
25 His father owned a record shop in Baltimore and before he went to university he had become the buyer for the shop , a job which provided an unlikely education .
26 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
27 Esler and Gregory told us that they were planning a report on Terry Waite 's anniversary in January and if we wanted publicity , they would interview us .
28 He sent for Eleanor to join him in Normandy and when she arrived , a message went to Richard , requiring him to surrender Aquitaine to his mother , the lawful duchess .
29 Before that I was involved in women 's groups in Ireland and since I 've come here I 've been involved in the Women in Ireland group in London .
30 Walter had been friendly with David in England and when he came to Scotland , David granted him lands in Ayrshire , Renfrewshire , Argyll , Bute and the Lothians .
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