Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] and [verb] on [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that Stalin was paranoid about other people in the Soviet Union rising up and overthrowing him , so by bumping off Kirov and blaming on them , he effectively gave himself a licence to go out and kill all other them as revenge .
2 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
3 Holly struggled free of Bigwig and crouched on his haunches , scuffling his front paws and growling , as rabbits will when angry .
4 Holding the men of Lennox and Strathearn on his left , on the edge of the boggy ground that ran to the river , were Gillecrist and Ferteth , with Bishop Hrolf , encased in crosses and relics , between them .
5 He urged them to look to the future , to ‘ carry the spirit of Alton General on into Treloar and build on it . ’
6 Do n't miss your chance to cross the North Sea with Al and Bet on their first ever trip to ‘ gay Paris ! ’
7 The second and third are guest appearances by Ozzy Osbourne , duetting with Lemmy on the ballad Ai n't No Nice Guy , and Slash , who handles the solo work on the same track as well as sharing the job with Wurzel and Zoom on You 'd Better Run .
8 ‘ A friend of mine , Peter Matthews from Dublin , came off one in the Isle of Man in May and fell on his head and is just getting over it now .
9 The recently formed Council of Labour should summon a rank-and-file conference of all the radical political movements in Ireland and call on them to discuss the creation of an all-Ireland socialist party .
10 He could not wait to see it all back safely in England and to start on his next publication .
11 Fifteen years ago Ally MacLeod said we 'd bring home medals from Argentina and reneged on his promise spectacularly .
12 He had , he said , advised the Shah to erect a hundred scaffold in Teheran and to hang on them a hundred people , starting with his former prime minister .
13 ‘ They can then be released from Whitely and monitored on our electronic equipment here .
14 So we 're not proposing that you turn off the mainframe on Friday and turn on your Unix or open systems machines with your database on it on Monday .
15 Nick went to Hepzibah and leaned on her knee .
16 ‘ Go back to Eastlake and concentrate on your own affairs .
17 Blanche nodded to Dexter and pulled on her Aquascutum coat , noticing how threadbare it looked .
18 John Lucas , the future philosopher , remembered being taught Greek grammar by Ramsey and sitting on his head while reciting Greek verbs .
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