Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In Oakeshott 's view the establishment of the authority of the ruler is the paramount consideration in establishing the polity and the admiration which he expresses for Hobbes is rooted in the latter s replacement of reason by will as the foundation of political authority .
2 Indeed the Kyrie of Ludford 's Lady-Mass for Tuesday is based on the same square as the organ piece .
3 He may well reckon that his bid to win UN membership for Taiwan is doomed from the outset , but he can at least claim to have tried .
4 The Soviet-DRA rejection of neutrality for Afghanistan was confirmed by the Afghan leader Babrak Karmal in an appearance on Afghan television on 21 March .
5 Bull sources nevertheless told Reuter some kind of partnership was being sought for Zenith.Bull is included on the list of state-controlled companies France wants to privatise .
6 There is also disagreement as to whether the sustained kinase activity that might be necessary for LTP is located within the postsynaptic cell or not .
7 Two leading State Department officials took part in a radio broadcast on Korea aimed at engendering public debate before a large appropriation for Korea was included in the War Department 's next vote .
8 Events in Afghanistan during May were dominated by the efforts of the various ethnic , military and religious factions to secure positions of power in the new regime , following the overthrow of the Najibullah government by mujaheddin guerrillas and the establishment of an Islamic State in April [ see pp. 38847-48 ] .
9 The bid for Rowntree was set in the context of a shift in consumer preference away from ‘ slab ’ bars of chocolate towards ‘ countline ’ products ( individually wrapped chocolate snacks ) — an area in which Rowntree had great strength .
10 Therefore there was a lack of clear guidance on land use in Scotland until the Countryside Commission for Scotland was established under the Countryside ( Scotland ) Act 1967 .
11 The hon. Member for Garscadden complained that the provisions for Scotland and for England were included in the same Bill .
12 Hundreds of ramblers from the Forest of Dean are campaigning against the governments proposals .
13 Wellington said that the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton .
14 It is perhaps significant to record that the capacity of Naseby was increased during the 1930's by raising the crest of the outlet weir by 2 feet .
15 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
16 THE MIRACLES surrounding the funeral procession of Hugh of Lincoln are taken from the Flores Historiarum , a thirteenth and fourteenth-century text originally credited to Matthew of Westminster ( it was actually written by the monks of St. Albans and Westminster ) , and from the Nova Legenda Angliae by John Capgrave ( 1393–1464 ) .
17 When the Duke of Wellington was confronted by the realities of the steam locomotive he responded : ‘ I see no reason to suppose that these machines will ever force themselves into general use . ’
18 Celtic 's Pat Bonner and Tommy Coyne of Tranmere are included in the Republic of Ireland squad for the World Cup qualifier against Northern Ireland on 31 March .
19 The town called Bazar in the heart of the-Ukraine was found on the fringes of thick forestland to the north of the Kiev to Zhitomir railway .
20 An orangery , a formal canal , a Gothick tower , one of Britain 's most fantastic grottoes , a Gothick garden house and a mock fortified bastion are all crammed into its limited acreage along with a statue of Hercules being toppled by the weight of his own club .
21 In the fourth century AD the statue of Hercules was removed to the new capital of the eastern Roman Empire , Constantinople , which became a museum of ancient art ( the snake column from Delphi may still be seen in the Hippodrome ) .
22 Bishops were ordered to ensure that prayers were said in every church for the success of the king 's expeditions to France , and news of the great victory of Crécy was proclaimed throughout the realm .
23 The decisive battle for control of Panama was fought at the building that houses military headquarters .
24 And now , 5 years on , the City of Hereford is stirring to the call of the cup .
25 Half the cases of NGU are caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and another 20 per cent by infection with a mycoplasma called Ureaplasma urealyticum .
26 When conflict between Ken McFaul , a founder member of the DUP and an ex-mayor of Carrickfergus , and other DUP members reached the point of McFaul being expelled from the Party ( and simultaneously resigning ) , he also left the Free Presbyterian Church of which he had been an elder .
27 He describes how , in another ceremony , an image of Osiris was buried in the hollowed-out centre of a pine tree .
28 Their presence is explained in an appeal of 1548 to retain both churches : ‘ The town of Henley is severed from the Parish Church with a brook which in winter so riseth that none may pass over it without danger of perishing . ’
29 In the C2 event which followed , Andriev/Haralambie of Romania were disqualified for the same reason , the win going to Papke/Spelly of Germany .
30 Four microinjections of WGA-HRP were made in the left occipital operculum of two rhesus monkeys ( Macaca multatta ) to mark and surround the foveal and perifoveal representation , and the sectioned brains and flat-mounted retinae were processed to reveal the injection sites and the loci of labelled retinal ganglion cells that projected topographically to those sites ( Fig. 1 ) .
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