Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [noun prp] [noun] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The site at St Joan of Arc RC School has been recognised with a top environment award .
2 The social psychology of G. H. Mead has been used by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann in their Social Construction of Reality ( 1967 ) .
3 While support for the government of Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been further undermined during the period of the strike , a meeting between the three ruling coalition parties and the opposition Social Democrats ( SPD ) on May 27 failed to resolve differences , and both the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) and SPD rejected any idea of a " grand coalition " as suggested by the media .
4 The University of Cape Town Ballet had been there before , in 1941 and 1942 , building up local support to the extent that on their third visit , in September 1943 , all six performances in the Great Hall at Milner Park ( the theatre belonging to Witwatersrand University ) were sold out before the opening night .
5 IT HAS not been much of a week for Welsh politicians because the country 's resounding rejection of Mr Neil Kinnock has been followed by the decision of the International Rugby Board to ignore the reservations expressed by the Welsh Rugby Union and to hold the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
6 Since then , rock has been brought from Trefor Quarry in North Wales but in recent times the use of Ailsa Craig rock has been resumed .
7 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
8 The beautiful ‘ Descent into Limbo ’ from the collection of Mrs Barbara Johnson has been dated by the Metropolitan 's Keith Christiansen ( curator of the paintings section ) to around 1492 , but in the opinion of a number of scholars including David Landau , the exhibition 's organiser , there are strong stylistic arguments for placing it much earlier in the artist 's oeuvre .
9 I have already told the House that the export performance of United Kingdom industry has been extremely good , with an increase of nearly 25 per cent .
10 Another major area of United States dominance has been the computer industry , on which more shortly .
11 The AGP government of Prafulla Kumar Mahanta had been removed in November 1990 with the imposition of President 's rule [ see pp.37854-55 ] .
12 At 22 , more than a third of Andrew Hobbes life has been destroyed by glue sniffing .
13 The Governor suspected that John 's banking affairs would be in a similar mess and a check showed that under his Chairmanship and by his influence , more than half of the assets of the Bank of New South Wales had been loaned to a small group of businessmen .
14 The Monastery of Santa de Nogueira had been imported stone by stone from Portugal to the Gila Desert , Arizona , in 1819 , and abandoned after the Mexican-American War .
15 The territorial reach of Anton Piller orders has been considered in a number of cases .
16 On Kern Knotts , the attractive clean wall immediately left of Kern Knotts Crack has been climbed by Steve Clegg , Kerrie Clegg , Ian Carr and Rod Valentine .
17 Dr Davies and Professor Tomohei Chida of Aoyama Gakuin University have been working on differing aspects of the development of the Japanese ship-operating and ship-building industries for a number of years .
18 This was directed particularly at the sheriff , William Crowmer , and his father-in-law , Lord Say , who as Sir James Fiennes had been sheriff in 1442 .
19 Well like Leicester Nottingham Forest have been ravaged by injuries .
20 David Mach 's exhibition chez Nikki Diana Marquardt has been extended ; the Scottish artist is also exhibiting with Claire Burrus .
21 During his last year in Fontanellato Don Cattahianchi had been woken up in the night on a number of occasions and beaten by the secret police .
22 The sixth round Stamford Bridge tie has been selected for live showing by BSkyB on March 9 ( 7.45 ) .
23 YOUNGER royals from Prince Charles down have been warned by the Queen to behave as she strives to salvage her family 's battered public image .
24 ‘ Drab ’ shutters are criticised SHUTTERS installed by Famous Army Stores to repel ram-raiders in Redcar High Street have been criticised for being ‘ drab ’ .
25 This Invectiva in Girardum Engolismensem Episcopum has been excoriated by modern readers as calumnious and anti-Semitic , but at the time it was promulgated by such church dignitaries as Bernard of Clairvaux , Peter the Venerable , and Haimeric , papal chancellor under Honorius II .
26 A former Heswall chartered accountants office in Downham Road South has been transformed into the Charter House Business Centre .
27 Villagers in Middleton St George have been advised they will have to wait until the bypass is built before bus stop congestion problems are solved .
28 Four young children in Great Ormond Street have been infected .
29 The week before in New York Bruce had been arrested backstage by the New York police for giving an ‘ indecent performance ’ .
30 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
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