Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] [noun prp] [vb -s] that " in BNC.

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1 Overall , however , the work done by Box and Hale for England and Wales suggests that after controlling for other relevant variables , rising levels of unemployment have been associated with the increased use of imprisonment .
2 The sight of skins fighting mods on the beaches of Brighton and Southend suggests that the new generation had forgotten their origins .
3 The book is to be published in late ‘ 92 by ELO Publications of Rialto and Derek advises that the deadline for your noteworthy tales is March of next year .
4 In general , the abundant documentation for both these former monastic estates and the lands of the powerful late medieval families like the Hungerfords of Berkshire and Wiltshire means that the layout and arrangements of their estates can be reconstructed with relative ease and confidence .
5 The work of Feyerabend and Kuhn suggests that unqualified talk of progress even in the natural sciences is going too far .
6 The incarnational model of Mary and Jesus stresses that it is our very weakness which may become a tool for the Kingdom .
7 The narcissistic and windy urbanity of Freedburg and Kosuth means that they fail to convince us that there is something rotten in the United States .
8 While this is a very unsatisfactory source of information on early churches , as Peter Sawyer has shown , research in counties like Wiltshire and Somerset suggests that some , if not most , of those mentioned were minsters .
9 The Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel states that the parties consider the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aquaba to be international waterways open to all nations for unimpeded and non-suspendable freedom of navigation and overflight .
10 Malinga lost on a split decision to WBO super-middleweight champion Chris Eubank in February and Benn hopes that an impressive victory would give him a psychological advantage over his great rival should they meet later this year .
11 A new report from Frost & Sullivan predicts that the US plastic additive industry should enjoy moderate growth over the next five years as plastic consumption recovers from the recession , with light stabilisers showing the most dramatic increase .
12 The quote from Hammond & Waterton suggests that in 1890 it was thought that a barrister umpire could preside over a valuation : to restate the proposition in modern terms , a lawyer can act as an expert .
13 The privatisation of the electricity supply in England and Wales means that power companies must compete fiercely over the supply of power to the national grid .
14 I hope that it will not be as bad as I fear , but experience of the National Bus Company in England and Wales shows that it was worse than we feared .
15 Experience in Europe and America suggests that a ratio of capital spending to GNP of about 12–15% is typical for a mature economy .
16 Quite generally , LPI and LPII are dual problems and the duality theorem applied to LPI and LPII says that the optimal objective function values are equal and therefore , where is the optimal value for player I ( player II ) .
17 The second general point is that the discussion on Greece and Rome shows that Engels thought that the general scheme of social causation developed by Marx for capitalism applied to pre-capitalist formations , so long as these were past the gens stages .
18 Yet there can be no room for complacency after shock home defeats by Watford and Barnsley defeats that were all the more disappointing because they came after a long unbeaten home run .
19 Reworking of her indices by Deane and Cole suggests that between the quinquennium 1750 – 4 to 1785 – 9 money wage rises in the South varied between less than 4 per cent for London labourers and 19.4 per cent for those of Kent , whereas in Lancashire labourers gained 64 per cent and craftsmen 40.5 per cent over the period .
20 Recent work by Bartlett and Ghoshal suggests that a further stage in corporate development will be required by the successful companies of the 1990s .
21 American evidence cited by Phillips and Hawkins demonstrates that delay can be used as a deliberate tactic either against unmeritorious or unreasonable claims , or to alleviate the cash-flow problems of smaller insurance companies .
22 Moreover , evidence from recent research by Hammersley and Scarth suggests that patterns of whole-class teacher-pupil talk do not differ significantly between courses that are assessed by terminal examinations , ones that are continuously assessed , and ones that are not assessed at all — even when these differently assessed courses are taught by the same teacher and within the same subject .
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