Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bright Yorkshire prospect Adil Ditta scored 58 for Middlesbrough but they too had to fight hard for runs and were into the last over before they achieved their win by a four wicket margin .
2 Abundant evidence suggests that the landlord is a rugby buff his son plays for Waterloo and he also keeps 60 or 70 malt whiskies , on a shelf with the sub-title ‘ Medicine for men . ’
3 Katherine was waiting for Patrick when he eventually plucked up enough courage to come downstairs .
4 ‘ Keith felt very , very sorry for David and he always made me feel that I was a real bastard .
5 We deliver parcels , all parcels for Grattans and we also deliver for the Next Directory as well .
6 Too young and protected to go to festivals , she grew her hair long like John Lennon and loved John Lennon after Yoko because he too wore glasses but did n't care .
7 He phoned her after Seville but she never called him back because almost immediately she found she was pregnant .
8 I never inquired after Jean-Claude and I never heard from him .
9 I have n't a lot of time for Rodney but I really do feel sorry for Eleanor , ’ Melissa went on thoughtfully , remembering the afternoon 's encounter .
10 ( We 'd learned in science about Galvin and his electrically operated frogs ' legs ; if they could do it , why not relics ? )
11 Bath players of recent years have never appeared as convincing for England as they regularly do for Bath ; while if they are part of one of those curious South-West sides their form goes down yet another notch .
12 And I 'm afraid I do shop at Sainsburys , I 'm very fond of Sainsburys and I always find them very good and very obliging and very fair and all the rest of that .
13 The disinherited lords themselves were ruined by Edward Balliol 's failure to hold his kingdom : Gilbert de Umfraville , for example , titular Earl of Angus , had had to mortgage a number of his manors to raise money for the invasion of Scotland and he never recovered from the collapse of his cause .
14 The fabled golden age of England that he apparently yearns for is merely his lost youth in disguise .
15 He will also know that the General Synod is a creature of Parliament and that it is fully in his hands as a private Member to introduce a Bill to abolish the General Synod of the Church of England if he so wishes .
16 I like the house , the countryside , the cleanliness of England and I also like the way the cars drive on the wrong side of the road .
17 Delving deep into its archives it has come up with some winners , not least a luscious 1947 performance of Bax 's The Garden of Fand that I once possessed and enjoyed in its original , 78 rpm form .
18 Previously he had been engaged in making a geological map of Devon and he now continued this work in an official capacity .
19 On his head was the horned-moon helm of Saphery and he swiftly took up position between the queen and the Keeper of Secrets .
20 Dr Mowlam Redcar MP since 1987 said in her written reply : ‘ I am still a member of CND and I still want the country rid of nuclear weapons .
21 So on Grand National day , he went to Worcester instead of Aintree and he even rode a winner — Three Dons in a novice hurdle .
22 God wants you to be so full of Jesus that you actually start acting like him .
23 This realm once belonged to the Elves of Naggaroth and they still seek to reclaim it .
24 At the age of twenty-three she was called to give evidence on workmen 's compensation before a parliamentary commission in the House of Lords and she also helped Labour MPs prepare their case for the Shops Bill .
25 All the British and Americans need to do is convince the Shiites of Iraq that they now realize they were wrong not to come to the aid of the Shiite uprising .
26 One interesting side-effect of all this is that I 've seen more of Britain than I ever did before , albeit through the windows of an armoured car .
27 He appreciated the openness of American society compared with that of Britain and he also became a strong abolitionist .
28 As a matter of fact , despite everything , I think he was really fond of Laura and he certainly doted on the girl , Hilda . ’
29 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
30 You need far more capital to get you going in a place like Cambridge that you perhaps do in Peterborough where some houses can still be bought for around thirty thousand and that needs to be borne in mind .
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