Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun prp] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , the essential dynamics of political accountability for the NHS will not change .
2 Unfortunately , each make of microcomputer is designed differently and a program written for the BBC-B will not work on an IBM PC or an Apple 2e .
3 There is no reason in principle why a local authority or an organisation such as the NSPCC should not satisfy these criteria and obtain an order against the fund ( R v Greenwich LBC , ex pLovelance and Another [ 1991 ] 3 All ER 511 , CA ) .
4 As the TUC would not negotiate with the NUWM this logically implied an end to the Movement which finally dissolve on the outbreak of war in 1939 .
5 There are no trifles that the combined brain-power aboard the Ariadne ca n't solve . ’
6 That being so , the building society , which claimed through the Hammonds could not rely on estoppel by deed .
7 One of the fears of the Bengali community is that the new Conservative administration of the GLC will not honour a private agreement reached with the Labour GLC in 1976 , for quick and emergency relocation of harassed Asian families .
8 ‘ The 519 members of the Bundestag can not rival the expertise and available manhours of federal and Länder bureaucracies .
9 The high-cost economies of the EC can not insulate themselves from the world outside — from the more flexible economies of the Pacific Rim and North America .
10 In addition to this , there is no reason why owners of the Duomatic can not use Creation 6 to create their own designs .
11 The landlord of The Bull will not go poaching again . ’
12 It is usually assumed that although the ever-increasing indebtedness of the USA can not continue indefinitely , the elimination of the imbalance should not be brought about by sudden and severe adjustment .
13 There is no prison from which an initiate of the Fiana can not escape .
14 A spokesman for the British Army of the Rhine would not confirm or deny whether the documents were genuine , saying yesterday : ‘ We do not comment about these matters . ’
15 Since 1981 there have been no further issues of SDRs because the executive board of the IMF can not provide a consensus as to the need for a further issue of SDRs .
16 Following the US launch of UnixWare ( UX No 406 ) , Univel Inc 's European representatives say a revenue stream from this side of the Atlantic will not begin to flow for at least three months .
17 Equally , the rules and practices of the SRO should not restrict competition to an extent which is greater than necessary for the protection of investors .
18 SSRs can also be used to describe the problem more clearly and in more detail , which is necessary because the originator of an SPR may not have been able to indicate the full extent of the problem or how it applies to other users .
19 SSRs can also be used to describe the problem more clearly and in more detail , which is necessary because the originator of an SPR may not have been able to indicate the full extent of the problem or how it applies to other users .
20 At the present pace of progress in Brussels , similar changes throughout the EC may not come in for a dozen years or more , and British farmers fear that they will lose business while waiting for European competitors to catch up .
21 I find it difficult to believe that a bank like the NatWest ca n't offer any more appropriate type of account than this ‘ small business account ’
22 Oskar Lafontaine , the SPD leader in the Saarland , has argued vociferously that a modern mass party like the SPD could not afford to have its policies confined to the narrow interests of employed industrial workers .
23 There remained doubts over implementing the accord , particularly because right-wing factions in the military and the wealthy ruling oligarchy had not been party to the talks , and because hardline elements within the FMLN might not accept the dropping of a previous key demand that either the army be disbanded or its ranks be reduced and the remainder merged into those of the guerrillas .
24 In the final version , however , the wording had been amended to state that foreign banking markets were required to provide equivalent , but not necessarily identical , access facilities to EC banks if they wanted to trade within the EC ; it was also agreed that any foreign banks which were already trading legally within the EC would not need to reapply for authorization .
25 What has been an ideal jacket for the Lakeland fells could be too heavy to take to Africa ; what seems like a good buy for walking in the Alps might not stand up to the rigours of a Himalayan winter .
26 Even if all is well in this regard , you may find that the manufacturer 's agents in the UK will not honour the guarantee .
27 Tragically , fans in the UK will not see the bone structures that make up Ministry 's US stage set .
28 Providing an environmental/conservation clause is inserted , the probable limited use of this non-mandatory provision in the LFA in the UK will not pose any significant problem providing the conservation impact is assessed and acted on .
29 The local council in Aldershot ruled that soldiers serving in the Gulf would not have to pay poll tax ; but Whitehall refused to follow America 's example of allowing the troops in the Gulf not to pay income tax .
30 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
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