Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would n't it buy something for the girls here or put someone through school even if you did n't want to take it for yourself ?
2 Men , men , mentioned here by our friend , that Leicestershire has got no business to discuss about fox hunting , we are not elusive , there are other county councils who have banned fox hunting on their land , so do not make this as a sacrosanct and or something that Leicestershire are doing , they are not doing first , there are so many other county councils in this country and for your information , I was listening to radio four few days ago , even in Pakistan , a third world country , is banning hunting in their country , we should be ashamed of ourselves here to discuss , I agree with Councillor when the discussion start and he said move for the ward , because the logical thing was to move for the wards rather than discuss , if we all believe that this is horrible , acrimonious and abhorrent in today 's day and age , as the slavery was abhorred two hundred years ago .
3 However , public opposition from the Roman Catholic Church in particular and objections from Austrian Airlines to transporting the refugees led the government to announce in early December that it would attempt to find jobs for the Romanians rather than deport them .
4 However , if each enterprise is a different company , each company being in itself a separate and distinct legal entity and thus taxed separately , the balancing of profit and loss between the enterprises so as to minimize overall tax liability can not be achieved .
5 They walked through the gardens together and talked for a long time .
6 Luck playing a somewhat greater part in the matter than judgement , the bullet struck him in the calf , tore through the muscles there and exited , spattering the wall behind with blood and pink tissue .
7 erm you know kind of er call that a first draft and then sort , you know , sort of try and sort of go through the books again and stick a few references in to back up the points you 've made so you can see it relates to other people 's evidence erm trying to go through it again and knock out the well you know what I mean kind of statements and , and , you know , you can gradually sort of make the er grad you know sort of but again it 's , it 's , it 's one of these processes that I find , you know , you need to go through again and again and again to sort of get it er get it together erm so erm
8 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
9 Undoubtedly it would appear to be more sensible in the longer term for cattle numbers to be limited to those which can be sustained on the winter fodder production capabilities of the farms so as to eliminate fodder purchases .
10 She then quietly gave me a list of the services there and said I would be most welcome to come to them , or talk to her if I felt I could .
11 He pulled the cloth of the screens aside and peered into the dimness .
12 For many years it was thought that in the absence of express provision in the original constitution the continued equality of all shares was a fundamental condition which could not be abrogated by an alteration of the articles so as to allow the issue of shares preferential to those already issued .
13 In setting up the scheme , care must be taken to judge the range and slopes of the lines so as to maintain the desired balance in the minds of the contractor 's engineers .
14 In the case of Demerara , removal of the slaveholders ' symbol of authority , the whip , by government , without adequate attention to the moral education of the slaves , it was implied , vindicated the evolutionary approach of the reformers rather than challenged it .
15 It was one of the girls then that drove the car out of Florence ? ’
16 He filled in most of the coupons again and got a further selection of condoms , Bob Martin 's and catalogues .
17 The sea is calm , but such ripples as there are flick the light from the sun about and refract the view of the pebbles so that staring over the edge of the kayak is like peeing into a kaleidoscope over whose speed of rotation you have no control .
18 However , imperfectly practised , this approach at least recognises that health care intervention must supplement that of the parents rather than substitute for it .
19 I hope to see you at one of the shows soon but do join me here next month for hints on lace knitting .
20 I. The teacher in preparing a unit or sequence of resource-based or enquiry learning asks : What have we already ? and the answer to his question requires the systematic selection and acquisition of book and non-book materials in all formats , their arrangement and storage for retrieval , the preparation of a suitable index or retrieval tool allowing the identification of suitable items however sought , and some system of controlling or monitoring the use of the materials so that wanted items can be located and reserved even when in use .
21 Economic life moves in cycles of peaks and troughs , and we must take advantage of the peaks so as to withstand the pressures of the troughs .
22 TELEVISION presenter Keith Chegwin opened his heart in front of the cameras yesterday and admitted ‘ I am an alcoholic ’ .
23 ‘ Where the prosecution intends to lead evidence of verbal admissions or confessions , the defence should always be alerted before the start of the case of such intention and the terms of the admissions/confessions so as to give the defence an opportunity to determine whether or not to challenge the admissibility of the evidence . ’
24 If you are prepared to live dangerously , you can take many of the techniques above and combine them in one image , or , you may even discover completely new applications for this superb medium .
25 I have decided , however , in the interests of posterity , to cut nothing , though I may take the liberty of annotating the text here and there , putting some of the facts straight and referring the reader to related documents , such as interviews you once gave or books and articles on you which have since appeared .
26 And they have worked out how to channel the eggs out of the nests so as to keep them clean .
27 In the contests for around 52,000 seats on over 2,300 local councils , Solidarity-backed Citizens ' Committees won over 41 per cent of the seats nationwide and performed strongly in the main cities , making a virtually clean sweep in Gdansk , Krakow and Wroclaw and taking nearly 90 per cent in Warsaw , the capital .
28 Choose one of the ideas below or decide on your own Thinking Day theme .
29 But attribution could only be meaningful if trade union representatives on company boards everywhere and always accepted wholeheartedly the duties of ownership along with the rights , so changing the role of the unions fundamentally and abandoning any pretence to industrial democracy .
30 Shiona sank against the pillows now and closed her eyes as a rush of sadness went washing through her .
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