Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In reply , the Under-Secretary of State for the Armed Forces gave me certain assurances .
2 They did not seem to mind , each patting her head and calling out that her hair would soon grow , which was more than could be said for the balding bailiffs escorting them .
3 Fenella and Caspar both knelt down , taking a gentle hold of the Tree Spirits ' maimed branches , searching for the right words to convey their gratitude .
4 As far as he 's concerned , Barney is his man and he 's simply waiting for the forensic reports to confirm it .
5 It started as a minor incident involving a petrol tanker , but then other vehicles travelling too fast for the foggy conditions found they counld n't stop in time and crashed as well .
6 ‘ what a mortgagee is entitled to is that which is covered by the words ‘ costs charges and expenses properly incurred , ’ and it is for the taxing masters to say what these are … if the parties desire to depart from such a rule , they must express themselves in plain and unequivocal language .
7 It should then be for the official aircraft accident investigating authority to establish the cause of the accident and to make recommendations for avoiding similar accidents in the future , and it should be for the civil courts to decide who is liable to pay damages and to whom .
8 However , their potential implications for the major conurbations merits their inclusion here .
9 This limits the activities of the educational institutions in the region and makes it difficult for the administrative centres to do their job , which includes developing technical training projects and teacher training .
10 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
11 Straining the last possible revolutions from her roaring Paxman engines , the old lady of the fleet , Vigilant was first to reach Guiding Lights , but despite darkness and mist had to wait no more than a few minutes for the other cutters to join her — a feat of seamanship that later lead to great praise from their Investigation colleagues ashore .
12 Consequently it has sometimes been difficult for the new patterns to establish themselves in the face of combined resistance from programme committees , established departments , and professional senior officers .
13 It was then a forcing ground for the new classes establishing themselves and exerting their power against the existing feudal order .
14 The Government sees that it is more accountable for the individual tenants to pay their Council Tax directly to the local authority rather than to the landlord and unfortunately no agency arrangements can be put in place that would allow this .
15 He said it would be useful for the Jessi partners to consider his company 's participation .
16 Ferguson senior added : ‘ All I ask is for the United fans to judge him on what he does on the pitch and not as the manager 's son .
17 Not even the raids on the town 's three gay brothels brought forth a whisper of information about Surere 's whereabouts , and after four days of intensive hunting , over ground which included the Valley of the Great Tombs on the west bank of the river , Merymose began to think that perhaps , after all , the escaped political had done as he had told Huy he would , and left for the northern deserts to found his religious community .
18 Defeat in Canada merely sharpened France 's desire for revenge in Europe and as October gave way to November conditions in the Channel and Bay of Biscay worsened , making it ever harder for the British squadrons to hold their stations .
19 In fact , they used to call it the gun for the wild ducks do you see .
20 However , the problem is not so much the balance , but the varying times taken for the raw materials to complete their respective breakdowns and become available to the plants .
21 Young 's lifetime passion for the large molluscs led him from the squid to the octopus .
22 Nietzsche was not present , but whereas the premiere of Tristan in 1865 had not prompted any discernible reaction in him , on this occasion he took a much livelier interest and during the following months familiarized himself with the work through the score .
23 She played with the choices during the remaining days allowed her , knowing in her heart that she would be forced to take the safe path into the civil service .
24 Yet his curriculum vitae would be very much stronger if there were not that one-metre gap between the rival lines to stop him from imposing his physical presence on his opposite number in quite the same way as he did to such crucial effect upon Steve Cuttler in the 1989 series in Australia .
25 because we would not be able to raise it as a shield in that one respect , now if your Lordship tried and then said well alright we stay the counterclaim is a set off , then what would your Lordship be intending to do about the remaining defences to say we 're not allowed defend our claim er at all on the basis of article eighty five will that be
26 Every time some new one comes out on the market he always calls up the maker and tells them about the small pools win he 's just had . ’
27 Knowledge about the particular problems exercising his colleagues has a practical importance if , as sometimes happens , an officer is called out in an emergency to a pollution in another man 's patch .
28 I remember this time after school there was a fight between blacks and whites ; I went and stayed in the toilets for a half-hour thinking what I should do and that 's when I really took a look at myself and thought about the white kids calling me names and the black kids saying ‘ come on ’ so I said ‘ all right ’ .
29 Although fee paying , through the assisted places scheme they provide places for pupils unable to pay fees — this money comes from public funds .
30 The County Council has been very active in trying to find a way forward which retains the objective of relieving the A ten eighty eight of lorries , but reduces the rat run in through the small villages using what are no more than country lanes .
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