Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] i [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 No chance to talk to Mum about the bike I dream of day and night !
2 If auntie Beeb has a decent tape of the performance I know of at least one customer for the CD transfer !
3 I 'll leave you in the ditch near the gate I know of and go back for my horse . ’
4 ‘ It is like a house I dreamed of once , where I wandered through its rooms for an eternity . ’
5 For a moment I thought of getting on my joke transport and heading back to the East Oxford slums where I belonged .
6 For a moment I thought of driving out to the Jackson house , and beating out of the lawyer whatever information he had .
7 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
8 Well there seems to be a slight mismatch there , and perhaps some of this mismatch is also a part of , with the confusion I have of the various shifting policy of York , in term in terms of their requirement , there has been in the in the not too recent recent past York were saying they had an additional requirement beyond need which they termed their concealed requirement , although it might not be a concealed dwellings , as we might otherwise describe them , of one thousand six hundred , and that has progressively come down to seven hundred as presented at this enquiry .
9 As I crouched down in the trench I thought of the French family just a short distance away from us .
10 In the ideal I have of Art , I think that one must not show one 's own , and that the artist must no more appear in his work than God does in nature .
11 Over the weekend I heard of the case of the disappearing Times Atlas , the one in five volumes .
12 As to the song I talked of — Here it is .
13 And to get to the passage I know of is n't easy , but with this little key I can open the doors now .
14 The bells have far more impact , and tempos are more extreme — to the benefit of the first two fast movements , but to the detriment I think of the following two slow ones ( which reminded me why I had not responded more positively first time round ) .
15 Just as Tite himself , it occurs to me , is going to be doing when he goes into the witness-box at Summerchild 's inquest later that summer and tells the Coroner — I turn back in my file to the copy I took of the cutting — that Summerchild was working on conditions of employment in the Civil Service at the time of his death .
16 Exams and erm she was about the first I think and there was erm somebody else who wanted to take a course in erm Youth Leadership but erm , very quickly the numbers increased till the time I left of course we , we were dealing with thousands
17 I was staring at a woman I thought of you .
18 Now that one blow is borne out by the examination I made of Aldhelm 's head .
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