Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [is] that a " in BNC.

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1 The prospect for the future is that a modernising Soviet economy might even prefer to buy better quality equipment from elsewhere .
2 Rather than propose ways in which representative democracy could be strengthened and improved , these authors concluded : ‘ the weight of the evidence is that a vote is much less effective than purchasing power … the market is potentially more democratic than the state ’ ( p. 65 ) .
3 The key principle of the Act is that an employer should not make a deduction from the wages of a worker without that worker 's written consent .
4 What appears to have happened in the last week of the campaign is that a large proportion of the ‘ Do n't Knows ’ plumped for the Conservatives , possibly in fear of rumoured Labour tax rises .
5 It said , the key finding of the survey is that an overwhelming majority of the Trusts are reporting an improved performance .
6 In general terms , however , the present state of the law is that an individual who has reached the age of 18 is free to do with his life what he wishes , but it is the duty of the court to ensure so far as it can that children survive to attain that age .
7 My understanding of the law is that an adult patient who is capable of doing so must give consent to any medical treatment if that treatment is to be lawful .
8 The frequent argument of the left is that a greater clarity on the National Curriculum would provide a lever with which to prise out more resources for the schools .
9 The essence of the method is that a conductor may be replaced by a set of charges without any change in the pattern of field lines and equipotentials .
10 The fact of the matter is that a lot of people within political groups are disavowing their family patterns that they bring with them .
11 But part of the reason is that a lot of the masses as it were , do actually like watching him bumbling around getting muddled up and so on and so forth .
12 The basic premise of the project is that an economic variable 's seasonal pattern arises from a corresponding pattern in the behaviour of the economic agents .
13 The decision of the Tribunal is that a salary increase of 1.69% should apply for 12 months from 1st March 1993 .
14 Our response to talk of the birth of a daughter is that a daughter was born , provided of course that the talk and the child are separated ( that same device ) by a long period of time and a reasonable number of pages .
15 The only definition we have under the legislation is that a gypsy leads a nomadic lifestyle .
16 Advice from the BMAA is that a high positive incidence on the right tip , in relation to the left , is likely to precipitate a right wing-drop at the stall from which recovery would be difficult at low level .
17 The word in the mess is that a review of the highly controversial changes is imminent and the 12-year-old malts are standing by for opening in early May .
18 The reason for such lack of jurisdiction to review in the court is that an eleemosynary corporation is governed by a system of private law which is not of ‘ the common known laws of the kingdom ’ but the particular laws and constitutions assigned by the founder .
19 ‘ The essential affirmation in the poem is that a young woman should preserve her virginity , again nothing remarkable .
20 But quite a few samples are thought to have nitrogens of about 1.4% , and for that quality of sample the suggestion in the trade is that a premium of up to £20/t could be available , though this is compared with a spot feed market that has been weakening over the past week .
21 The weakness in the argument is that a herd of wild horses , totally lacking in the striped pattern , also has accurate individual identification and every member of every equine herd , including all domestic horses , is known individually to every other member .
22 It was further said that the reason for limiting the application of subsection ( 2 ) to those third parties who are knowingly concerned in the contravention is that an order addressed directly to a third party ( as opposed to the contravener acting by his servants or agents ) would only be necessary where the third party had an interest of his own in the subject-matter of the order .
23 The advantage of telling the story to the group is that a group of sufferers from the same disease can not easily be fooled , nor can they be harshly judgemental .
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