Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 And amid calls from all sides for the terrorist violence to end at last he said that if his son became a symbol for peace and hope , that would be ‘ Tim 's unique achievement ’ .
2 And so because of that sense of ill ease of fit , we decided that perhaps it would be appropriate for the assembly council to look at where this work ought to most comfortably go .
3 Scottish international Durie was axed for the Boxing Day draw at Norwich because he was n't ‘ in the right frame of mind ’ .
4 Day 2 Bought 1,000m of tubing for the hang glider frames at price of £250 per 100m and paid the £2,500 in cash .
5 From what has been said above , it will be clear that the Oxford English Dictionary Department would not be what it is , if it were not for the Supplement project lying at the heart of its work .
6 for the class work look at that homework I got two wrong and in science steady should be finish .
7 There were 35 of us on top of the Eiger : Edwin Drummond 's Climb for the World dream realised at last .
8 The journey through the lava forest ends at the town , a fish-smelling old port , seedy and in need of a coat of paint , yet vibrant and friendly .
9 The plan for a six-week display in a buffet at Newcastle upon Tyne 's Central Station was derailed after a duty manager looked at the pictures by a French photographer at a preview .
10 Halving of the chromosome number occurs at gametogenesis by meiosis .
11 The loose agenda of the negotiating process launched at Madrid was to draw more heavily , however , on the idea of " autonomy " for the West Bank and Gaza , contained in the 1978 Camp David peace accord between Israel and Egypt [ see pp. 29654-57 ] , which had included articles ( never implemented ) proposing a five-year transitional period during which a " self-governing authority " would replace the existing Israeli administration in the West Bank and Gaza .
12 Liz and the rest of the crew set sail at the weekend … it 'll be January 93 and seven thousand miles away when they land again
13 A radical shake-up in the structure of the auditing profession aimed at bridging the public 's expectation , Auditing into the Twenty-first Century , published by the research committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland ( ICAS ) .
14 Bearing in mind the fact that the report laid out only minimum welfare standards , will the Government take note of and act on the recommendations of the minority report issued at the same time ?
15 And for fans of the specialist music sold at shops like this one at Wolverton in Milton Keynes , the festival is a major boost for dance music …
16 They are , the encouragement and growth of the financial services sector , the increase in high technology industry , an increase and development of the leisure and tourism industries and the nurturing of the biotechnology research based at Bristol and Bath .
17 Utilising at a local level the dynamic model of the building process developed at macro level by the Building and Civil Engineering Economic Development Council ( see ‘ How Flexible is Construction : a Study of Resources and Participants in the Construction Process ’ NEDC HMSO 1978 ) the research is intended to provide a detailed profile of the construction industry into the counties of West Glamorgan and Dyfed .
18 If expectations of the price level remain at P then the economy will move up the line SS since this is the relevant short-run supply curve .
19 The accumulated fund represents the nominal value of the net assets of the Law Society valued at historic cost .
20 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
21 First the unit must be washed ( the instructions say only the electrode but the cap is full of what is presumably crystals of the test solution used at the factory ) then calibrated using the buffer tablets supplied .
22 Unfortunately , he did not have certain items of information such as the history of the Star pistol found at the cottage .
23 Although the popularity of the war economy lay at the root of the growth of socialism during the First World War , liberal internationalism was quick to reassert itself once the war was over .
24 The kind of material which members of the Graduate Association enjoyed at their weekly meetings was best exemplified by a Jewish intelligence report of a lecture given by the IFL vice-president H.H. Beamish in 1937 , entitled ‘ National Socialism ( Racial Fascism ) in Practice in Germany ’ , which appeared to have been fairly typical of his beliefs .
25 Hum. , 1908–13 ) for the purpose of giving graduates of the College opportunity to travel at such time in their careers as might be of most value to them either by enabling them to broaden their experience of other countries and their peoples or to carry out research .
26 THE 3rd Alton beavers , the youngest section of the scout group based at the Den , Chawton Park Road , spent a recent weekly meeting at Rotherfield Park , the home of Sir James and Lady Scott .
27 Rafelski visited Jones and on 24 August the various members of the fusion team met at the University .
28 The theft of the mountain bicycle happened at 5pm as the student was cycling along Princes Avenue in Toxteth .
29 Were £50 000 lent today against repayment of £50 000 in 60 days time this would be the equivalent of the lending institution lending at zero interest .
30 The parable of the prodigal son conveys at a conscious level a message about the need for forgiveness and acceptance .
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