Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [coord] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Investment business — grasping the nettle Investment business holds pitfalls for the unwary but it also offers a significant business opportunity
2 Dunlop said : ‘ I agreed to alter the gear box for Darren so it would be more suitable for Donington but I was riding in every race after the 125 and I physically just had n't the time to attend to it immediately .
3 Her own health by that time was not of the best and she latterly resided in Dalnair House , Croftamie , where she was well cared for .
4 Paatelainen had only been introduced as a substitute but he certainly made his presence felt in no uncertain manner with his 56th minute strike .
5 I did n't divorce the spiritual battle in Ulster from the political and I still would n't .
6 With your wonderful knowledge of the Bible , Mr. Deputy Speaker , you produced the Lazarus motion which revived them all from the dead and they eventually passed on their way through the House .
7 And that 's it basically , so you 've explained why ugly blocks of flats in the sixties and you even know cos why post-war reconstruction of London .
8 We may have been led to finding those four paragraphs because they are , in fact , the divisions which actually appear in the original and we merely sought additional evidence to support the way the author had divided up his discourse .
9 Some of this season 's squad played under Doyle in the mid-'80s and they especially resent his criticisms .
10 Very important for the physics , because what 's happening at that point as far as the physics is concerned , when the acceleration is zero , not , think of a racing car accelerating up to top speed , down the straight and it just ca n't go any faster , it 's got up to a hundred and eighty miles an hour , and it 's
11 she ai n't mate , she might be on the outside but she really ai n't , cos Penny 's such a lovely girl and I thought , and I thought , I 've seen Penny butter up
12 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
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