Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] to [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 7.2 Landlord to insure The Landlord covenants with the Tenant to insure the Premises and the Retained Parts [ subject to the Tenant paying the Insurance Rent ] unless such insurance shall be vitiated by any act of the Tenant or by anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] While it would be preferable for the insurance to be in the joint names of the landlord and the tenant in order to give the tenant more control over the insurance and to avoid the problem of subrogation referred to below , landlords tend to resist this , presumably on the basis that they wish to retain absolute control and not rely on the tenant in any way as regards the insurance cover .
2 If the seller of the French property is from the UK , then the buyer can arrange for the transaction to be in sterling , says Mr Barber .
3 Our policy is one of indemnity i.e. it provides for the Claimant to be in the same position after the loss as immediately before it .
4 It is not unusual for the sea to be at least a mile 's walk from the coastline sand-dunes .
5 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
6 This undoubtedly reflects the complexity and breadth of the Government 's spending , but for the accounts to be of much use the disaggregated figures have to be used .
7 The Economist circulation is now five hundred and twenty five thousand each week , and although their er year is out of sync with ours , I expect the profits for the year to be at or near record levels once again .
8 This implies of course that the infinitive event 's realization by the subject has to constitute sufficiently significant information about the referent which the latter refers to for the sentence to be worth uttering .
9 If a guarantee is to be given , the best approach is for the parent company to become a party to your contract and it is desirable for the document to be under seal .
10 Similarly , if runners-up win substantial prizes , arrange where possible for the handover to be on the premises of a local supplier .
11 Well it says for the nurses to is to be able to evaluate .
12 The hearer is being trusted to take a large share of the responsibility in imagining what it may be for the speaker to be past his youth , and the result is a wide range of weak implicatures .
13 Another requirement is for the photocopy to be of the highest quality since it is usual for photocopies of standard letters to be sent to clients .
14 The plan for the evacuation to be in groups of three had to be abandoned , as it would have taken 40 hours to get all of the men out and the gas collecting near them made it imperative that the exercise be completed in much less time .
15 What was most important was for the Cabinet to be in a position to take strategic decisions .
16 Projectionists had to be very careful to orientate the disc and to put the pickup in the right groove for the sound to be in synchronism .
17 ( It could also be theft , where there is no need for the disposal to be for the benefit of another . )
18 Nor does it make much sense for the book to be on offer soon afterwards through a paperback book club that screams at it potential customers , ‘ You write the rules ’ .
19 I was told that the local authority were still maintaining an open mind about the possibility of placing the children with the father and that the choice of foster parents made in October was intended to cover the possibility of the children being returned to the father , but also to cover the possibility of a need for the children to be with foster parents for some longer time , in the event of the assessment of the father proving unsatisfactory .
20 Statistically these deaths largely occur as a result of the inhalation of vomit and alcoholic poisoning , and it therefore seems somewhat bizarre for the police to be in charge of those suffering in such a way .
21 For example , the equation through the verb to be of groups D and E associates the animate with the inanimate , the natural with the man-made .
22 She could see Spencer quite clearly , he appeared to be holding court among the elderly distant relatives who had travelled from all parts of the country to be at the funeral .
23 Like policing , it is also a matter of flair , of the ability to be in the right place at the right time .
24 Sadly , Stirling gave orders for much of the equipment to be off loaded and sent back to Kabrit .
25 Hilton 's uneducated disciple , however , is learning at this stage that the goal of the contemplative life is a remaking of the self to be like God through a loving practice , and thus knowledge , of goodness : Such contemplation is experienced as a gift which lifts the conscious effort to know and love God into an activity of delight which expresses the whole man : Although this goal is thus acknowledged from the start , the rest of the book is devoted to the means by which the contemplative can work towards it .
26 For example , you might decide you want the speed of the processor to be over 33MHz but it 's not essential — so you 'd give this a rating of two out of five .
27 I take full account of these defects in his evidence , but overall I found his experience of the likely care regimes introduced in cashes , in cases such as that of the plaintiff to be of assistance .
28 Please note it is the responsibility of the client to be in possession of a valid passport and any visa which may be required .
29 Ironically , whilst such a group took the very existence of the family to be in danger from permissiveness , the developing radical-feminist position argued that the ‘ talk ’ of permissiveness was a means of disguising the threat that such an institution posed to women 's real chances of liberation : ‘ Rather than posing a threat to traditional patriarchal marriage the sexual revolution strengthened the institution ’ .
30 A voice whispered that the work was nonsense , too far removed from the interests of the age to be of value .
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