Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [vb past] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Interviews for the jobs started at a Belfast hotel last Thursday and will continue until tomorrow .
2 An extra impetus for the disposal came at the start of the week when Pepsi decided to end its franchise relationship with Perrier , citing poor sales performance .
3 To that we added a night keeper and relief , brackets B two six four close brackets , and an allowance for physical help during the day charged at the crossroads rate which brought the total up to thirty three thousand five hundred and twenty eight pounds and twenty pence .
4 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 87 ) comments that the word ‘ Athena ’ has a form suggesting a pre-Greek place-name , so it may be that Athena originated as the Potnia worshipped at a place called Athens or something similar .
5 As the Shah arrived at the White House to be officially welcomed by President Carter , the two groups shouted abuse at each other just beyond police railings .
6 I lay on my back , my head on the sandy ground , staring out to the side where the body of the buck lay at the end of a little curved line of black , and tangled in the arm-rest and grip of the catapult .
7 The court heard one of the burglaries occurred at an old people 's home .
8 In his English writings Richard Rolle , too , sees Christ 's suffering as the pragmatic key to a form of living both as regards external circumstances and internal consciousness , which will free followers to engage with the ineffable reality of the love mediated at the Incarnation .
9 The front of the hurricane tore at the lower flanks of the mountains , rending great trees from the rain forest and tossing them aside as if they were little more than sticks .
10 It was as if the sight of the man prodded at a dead spot within him , where no response would come .
11 However , in the circumstances of this case , the proper interpretation was that the sustaining of the injuries occurred at the point when they were inflicted .
12 He returned to London with his wife on 2 September , and the London production of the play opened at the Cambridge Theatre three weeks later .
13 Three of the coffins arrived at the Star of the Sea Church together .
14 The vaulted dome of the booking-hall stood at a height of 65 ft. from the floor and the outer dome above reached a height of 108 ft .
15 Some great names of the past survived at a much reduced level ( Yorkshire Post , Newcastle Journal ) .
16 But he got a pattern made and had the base of the machine made at a local foundry and he made all the leverage parts and got the , he got the blades made in Sheffield or somewhere and er he made one for himself .
17 Whilst a master outline of the character existed at the typesetter manufacturer or type foundry each font was compiled and tailored to suit the target system — generally at great expense .
18 The most serious of the disorders occurred at the Broadwater Farm Estate , in Tottenham , London .
19 Several of the teachers shuddered at the mention of this and Endill expected the worst as Mould was led away talking gibberish .
20 Goal of the week came at the County Ground on Tuesday night ; the scorer Tom Jones .
21 The old women of the town marvelled at a child whose intellect had been ‘ forced into almost an unnatural ripeness ’ , and their flattery made him vain :
22 It was one of the tributes marking what would have been his fiftieth birthday , and as Paul Woodley now reports from New York , friends of the singer gathered at the United Nations to play the song as an anthem of peace .
23 The extraordinary happenings even continued after the unit returned to Britain , when a sealed canister containing a print of the series arrived at the BBC from a laboratory covered in fresh earth .
24 He could n't see the torch being flashed underneath and through the windows , but he felt the car sway as one of the coppers tugged at the driver s handle and the boot .
25 The day of the barbecue came at the end of a week of still , warm weather .
26 There was a delay between the time the ring started to glow and the point at which the glowing reached its peak , because light from the near side of the ring arrived at the earth while light from the far side was still on its way .
27 The top section of the mast snapped at the crosstrees as if it were less substantial than a toothpick .
28 One of the boatmen grinned at a green-faced Maltote .
29 Although the speculations of a few Italian statesmen about the African shores of the Mediterranean hinted at the patterns of future international rivalry , the powers for the most part displayed in 1880 an almost complete preoccupation with European interests and lack of sensitivity about the rest of the world .
30 Each of the poems looked at a different sort of love : that of parents and children , of friends , of lovers , of God … .
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