Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [conj] it did " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It does n't seem to occur to anyone that all these people going on about UFOs and the general hilarity they cause would be quite a good disguise for the government if it did want to cover up weapons testing . ’
2 Her mother identified it as a wayfaring tree and she 'd been cutting it back during the summer and it did n't seem to mind but she 'd be very grateful for any information about the wayfaring tree which presumably she 'd like to keep and continue to grow in her garden .
3 Four of them had another go as The Madness but it did n't work , and suddenly they were gone .
4 The vehicle passed the end of the road but it did n't turn toward us .
5 Its main power over the economy lies in its control of the central bank , but Mr Yeltsin has made the bank promise that it will issue only a quarter as much credit in the second three months of the year as it did in the first .
6 For all the turbulence and excitement that erupted with the Gang of Four 's break with Labour in 1981 , Britain looked as much a two-party system at the end of the decade as it did in 1980 .
7 They distrusted predictions about the far reaches of the universe because it did not seem they could be tested by observation .
8 The reticence of the General Council was deliberate for it feared the violence which might ensue if all workers came out and was alarmed at the prospect of mass defections leading to the rapid collapse of the dispute if it did not immediately meet its objectives .
9 ‘ I 'D MAKE this Single Of The Week if it did n't seem such a wilfully perverse thing to do .
10 Coming out of the blue as it did , I did not quite know how to reply to such a suggestion .
11 There was much to be said in favour of the view that it did , in respect that doing so gave the shopper control of the article and the capacity to exclude any other shopper from taking it .
12 Your correspondent has re-read his report on the 1968 Glasgow Actuarial Students ’ supper and considers the article probably conveyed as much on his changing view of the world as it did on the supper itself .
13 Certainly , in her classroom , sex was the topic on which she knew their vocabulary to be widest , in spite of the fact that it did n't receive the level of attention she insisted they devote to the subjects on the curriculum .
14 It was n't much of a joke and it did n't get a laugh .
15 Witton to Electric House quarter of an hour , Electric House to Rushmere Heath , quarter of an hour and it did the reverse direction .
16 He had given her no help throughout the night but it did not lessen her love .
17 Sandison had not intended this to sound like a jibe but it did .
18 They 've given her something and she , she had to put this stuff on her hair , had to take a trip to the hairdresser and he said to the hairdresser comb my hair first and then put this stuff on and wait for a fortnight and it did come a little lighter , but it was n't much
19 something else that could be quite actually misleading might sleep , be very sleepy , difficult to wake , so if you 've got the baby and you think your baby 's due for a feed and it did n't take very much at the last feed , you ca n't wake it up you should n't think oh well I 'll have to wait for another four hours , beginning to get worried so if the baby 's difficult to wake if it 's difficult to feed not sucking very well if the baby 's cold to touch and then there 's something which is very , very misleading , these babies can have bright red cheeks and bright red hands and feet and if you look at them you think oh they must be warm because they 're red
20 The trade unions ' ‘ golden formula ’ of action ‘ in furtherance of a trade dispute ’ looks weaker as a protection than it did .
21 That gives America opportunities to work with the Soviets that it did not have in the past .
22 This had little to do with the computer but it did spur us into action .
23 Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the purported customers an excuse not to pay back the credit .
24 one day when I said something he come up with a name but it did n't register
25 I did not live far from the school so it did not take long to get there .
26 And it would be excluded from the greenbelt because it did n't serve a greenbelt function ?
27 When he refused , Mr Reynolds climbed off the engine and watched it fall through the bridge on to the car , steam and smoke erupting from the cab as it did so .
28 But the glory will not fade from the Christian as it did from Moses .
29 Its evocative power derived not only from its biblical roots , but also from the fact that it did not evoke clergy or hierarchy but rather the basic equality of all the baptized .
30 One of the non-fundholding control practices was excluded from the analysis because it did not collect referral data for a significant part of the study .
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