Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [verb] in it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On it ’ is the important phrase , for the Krooms lived in it .
2 Wet-rice production also has considerable implications for the community engaged in it .
3 For example , in Malone v. Metropolitan Police Commissioner it was held that since there was no law against telephone tapping and it did not amount to any common law wrong , it was not unlawful for the police to engage in it .
4 The process which has just been described is clearly a very complex affair , but most of the decisions involved in it are programmable types of decisions .
5 The Articles also permitted the Board to delegate any of the powers vested in it to a committee and defined ‘ the Board ’ so as to include any committee authorised by the Board to act on its behalf .
6 Symbolically the worker has one foot on the edge of the bog , reaching out to hold the hand of the person trampling in it , but the second foot of the worker is on firm land , to help pull the person out .
7 Lawyer D told her that a jointly-owned house would become the sole property of her husband after her death , and she could not in any way guarantee her share of the money invested in it for her children .
8 An individualistic explanation of some event or phenomenon assumes that the event can be readily understood and explained solely through reference to the behaviour of the individual(s) involved in it .
9 This is the book 's third edition , but the first to be sponsored by Price Waterhouse , which seems appropriate , as a disproportionate number of the analysts recorded in it turn out to be chartered accountants .
10 I I remember working on some of the of the paperwork involved in it .
11 Of the items contained in it , few are novel and some will be criticised …
12 Therefore the strength of the partnership as a form presumably lies in the large amount of shared knowledge about the business arising from the nature of the people employed in it , that is , in the special nature of its shareholders .
13 I 'm not interested in producing reports and publications out of evaluation studies , I 'm interested in affecting the situation , and affecting it to the mutual satisfaction of the people involved in it .
14 Those I 'm not interested in producing reports and publications out of evaluation studies , I 'm interested in affecting the situation and affecting it to the mutual satisfaction of the people involved in it , and in fact when we 're when I 'm working with people on an evaluation , or discussing evaluation in general , one of the major items of our discussion always is how can you consult other people , how can you get them involved ?
15 She suggests that , whereas in the simplest forms of production the organisation was necessarily subservient to the needs of technical co-ordination , in process production technical co-ordination is incorporated in the machinery itself , and the organisation is subservient to the social needs of the people working in it .
16 In the school system , many teachers do not have a strong enough grasp of the language to teach in it effectively .
17 1981 ) that a novel environment might serve as a dishabituator causing the original attentional response to be reinstated ; in addition the novel environment might , quite independently of the stimuli presented in it , have an arousing effect that helps learning .
18 The agency must first of all set up an inventory of the assets under its control and it disposes of either the management or of the ownership of the assets vested in it .
19 Whilst the Purchaser can accept that the Memorandum has not been prepared with the precision of a legal document ( and accordingly the warranty may require some modification ) nevertheless the core of the information contained in it has been relied on by the Purchaser in agreeing to buy the Business and to the extent that it does not appear in any of the other information which is being warranted by the Vendor , it should be warranted in its own right .
20 It was hard , perilous work which , by rockfall or dust , killed most of the men employed in it before their retirement age , and it left Evan with the gasping lungs of the silicosis-sufferer .
21 It was argued that since any payment above the standard rent would be illegal and indeed a criminal offence under section 17 of that Act , the lease itself was unlawful and accordingly the agreement for commission fixed upon the amount of the rent stipulated in it was also illegal and irrecoverable .
22 Section 11(1) of the 1968 Theft Act provides : … where the public have access to a building in order to view the building or a part of it , or collection or part of a collection housed in it , any person who without lawful authority removes from the building or its grounds the whole or part of any article displayed or kept for display to the public in the building or that part of it or in its grounds shall be guilty of an offence .
23 But if we fail with that argument , I 'll be over in Europe trying to get tariffs on all European vehicles brought over here , because I believe in reciprocity just like the EC believes in it .
24 Whichever he sues , he can not include a claim for damage done to the component or to the larger item which was supplied with the component comprised in it .
25 It was , therefore , supposed that the compensating positive charge was spread out like the cakey part of a plum pudding , with the electrons embedded in it like currants .
26 When she was a teenager she used to go round wearing a blanket with a hole cut in it for her head .
27 In front a broad sweep of gravel , and this side of it , just in the picture , a rolling lawn with a cedar set in it , a huge , black , ungainly tree that lurched like a galleon at sea when the wind blew .
28 A Brooklands Museum friend recalled that while staging through Toulon in 1947 , with eating irons and mess tins packed in their kit , they were served scrambled egg with a sausage stuck in it in their cupped hands !
29 The capital 's importance in the cloth trade is seen in the part played in it by the Fellowship of the Merchant Adventurers of London .
30 And since that assumption is implicit in the Webbs ' criticism of Owen , it can not be understood too clearly that on their argument there can be no place at all for industrial co-operatives , properly so-called : no place , because the ownership , whether individual or collective , of an industrial co-operative rests in the people working in it .
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