Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] over [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It might be expected that where such clonal growth is possible , the struggle for existence over long periods of stable management would lead to the local dominance of single clones — those that had succeeded in a struggle for existence with others .
2 In terms of regional structural controls most of the auriferous deposits in the project area are spatially related to first-order faults and shear zones within the belt and along its margins ; to major anticlinal fold axial traces and limb shears ; or to the fracture envelopes around the major granitoid intrusions Follow-up geochemical field testing of soils for arsenic over selected targets outside the known gold mining districts was 60–70% successful in demonstrating that certain predicted structural settings would be mineralised .
3 This combination of data — an excess of GP over other referrals of women , together with a significantly greater likelihood of diversion of women referred by GPs away from compulsory admission compared with other female referrals — suggests apparent discrimination on the part of GPs against women .
4 It is well nigh impossible to compare the rate of crime over extended periods of time ( as Reading 10 , Chapter 5 , taken from Pearson 's study , indicates ) .
5 Pearson 's study of the history of street crime in Britain clearly illustrates the problem of using criminal statistics as a means for comparing the rate of crime over extended periods of time .
6 Where lay the basis for the belief that there was a corporate life , a level of interchange over academic matters in which all could feel themselves to be involved ?
7 Ward managers report on expected levels of work over specific period of time throughout a typical week .
8 The popular press hailed this triumph of law over anarchic visions of order .
9 One great advantage of asphalt over other forms of sheet roof covering is its tolerance to being ‘ patched ’ in situ .
10 Interestingly , the date of the building is roughly contemporary with the Combe Down inscription , coinciding with a considerable tightening of control over imperial estates under the emperor Severus , when the liberality which had been introduced first by Hadrian and later by Pertinax was largely cancelled .
11 As in the case of the previous section , the purpose of the section is to give a licensing board a measure of control over licensed premises during the currency of a three year licence .
12 For example , devolution of control over different sections of the rules to different committees may result in inconsistencies of style or approach .
13 This rather defeats its theoretical purpose of putting different types of loan over different periods of time on to an identical basis for comparison .
14 After more than a decade of concern over different aspects of the bail process , steps were taken to reduce the number of defendants remanded in custody by introducing a statutory presumption in favour of bail ( section 4 of the Act ) , and by seeking to structure the decision-making process so that magistrates would give effect to it .
15 The Home Office , however , had been associated with his name because of controversy over certain visits to him in an English prison and unsuccessful legal proceedings to stop his extradition to the Irish Republic . )
16 In the first edition of this book it was argued that levels of controversy over social policies since 1951 had not been particularly high .
17 This simple observation is crucial to the argument of this chapter , as it allows us to question ingrained assumptions concerning the superiority and greater significance of language over other forms of expression .
18 The advantage of fondant over royal icing for covering cakes is that it is much easier and quicker to make , is more pliable and has a softer texture that many people prefer .
19 Dry rot exhibits an almost uncanny knowledge of the presence of timber and is able to thrust through brickwork mortar joints and to travel across brickwork behind plaster over great distances in its search for fresh food .
20 The Committee has appointed six sub-committees — each with competence over particular aspects of Community activity .
21 Comparisons of this kind are difficult to make with accuracy over long periods of time ; but the direction and size of the change are beyond doubt .
22 However , where facilities are available for use over short periods of time , the rudiments of camera acting are taught in a structured way .
23 So we do n't want to be any under any illusions about that , and the same can be applied to the fact that we have made no real provision for nursery education , that we were in trouble over special needs in this county , that was a a requirement to restore services that were well below the S S A on Social Services , and we really all this er this er , new administration has done , has been brought those up , those services up to what would have been regarded as a quite an unacceptable level with most of the the the authorities in this country .
24 Until relatively recently , the British benefited greatly from lordship over large numbers of people in many different countries , most of whom were black .
25 An important element in concern over environmental degradation in Africa is the effects of population growth , and in particular , high fertility .
26 Dredge beef in flour and brown in batches in oil over high heat in a flameproof casserole .
27 Armenia interrupted its participation in the talks on July 5 in protest over Azerbaijani actions in Mardakert .
28 Anomalous aspects of nature often venerated by ritual over long periods of time become charged with the directed mental/ psychic energy of their race .
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