Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] when he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the facts of Modupe the accused was guilty of inducing his creditors to wait for payment when he had obtained credit by stating that he owned property when he did not and by exaggerating his employment status .
2 Such reading must have recalled Eliot 's Harvard reading in anthropology and psychology of religion when he had noted , amongst other things Jevons 's stress that ‘ the worship of stones is a degradation of a higher form of worship ’ .
3 He had been surprised at Sam 's willingness to stay , and had even felt a flicker of jealousy when he had flopped contentedly down in the grass beside the boy 's feet .
4 It was a boiling hot morning , he had three other appointments before lunch , and his head ached dully from the excess of Jack Daniels he had drunk the night before with the child 's father , who had been beside himself with rage when he had arrived at the Presbytery .
5 She shook her head in disbelief when he had finished .
6 It was n't what Peter had had in mind when he had thought of the picnic .
7 Her large eyes were fixed on him , and she wished that she could go away and leave him in peace when he had laboured for so long and so hard .
8 Earlier he had heard that a young clerk from the Post Office had shot himself while lying in bed … he had left a young widow , to whom he had been married in Calcutta during the previous cold season ; this act of despair had moved him more than any other of the many deaths he had witnessed since the beginning of the siege ; it was perhaps the fact that the young man had been lying in bed when he had shot himself that the Collector found so sad .
9 ‘ That was great , ’ said Perdita in amazement when he 'd finished .
10 When Philip had been in hospital when he 'd had croup that 's what he hated worst , the pulling of the curtains .
11 It was perhaps a foregone conclusion that he would go into the family firm founded by his great-grandfather , John Cadbury , in 1824 , although he had two tempting offers from outside industry when he had completed his degree .
12 His physical aloofness made him ‘ nerve-racked ’ and ‘ full of the horrors ’ on stage when he had to kiss someone .
13 He phones me from time to time when he has heard something he thinks will be of use to me .
14 He must have ordered them by telephone when he 'd found himself unable to contact her direct .
15 Ryan got the property at half the asking price , and the contracts were signed by proxy when he had returned to America .
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