Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] had [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 His insatiable curiosity and desire for experiment had led to his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society .
2 Siyad Barre was meanwhile reported to have left Nairobi , the Kenyan capital , for Nigeria on May 17 , after more than 200 Kenyan members of parliament had called for his expulsion , expressing fears that the instability in Somalia might spread to Kenya .
3 Blobs of blood had reappeared on his chin .
4 He seemed to have grown older , more mature — as if his brother 's burden of kingship had fallen on his shoulders also .
5 A feeling of nausea had settled in his stomach , leaving a sour taste at the back of his throat that no amount of swallowing would take away .
6 But a tiny , treacherous crack of doubt had opened in his mind .
7 Right now he had no idea what would become of him , yet this much he did know — there was a sense of peace in his heart at last , and the bitter core of hatred had melted with his tears .
8 The Parquet had existed , he thought , since at least 1883 when a reforming Minister of Justice had unearthed in his office some Arabic translations of parts of the French Code Napoleon and promulgated them as the new Egyptian legal system .
9 An undue pressure of interest had come into his tone ( almost as if he were interested in the position himself ) , but Mrs Seymour-Strachey did not notice .
10 On returning to Cyprus that spring , he found that the march of technology had continued in his absence and that all the CpFNS field offices had been hooked into a central computerized database installed by Link Systems , Ltd , a US government ‘ cut-out ’ company set up to carry out the contract for UNFDAC .
11 It astonished her how the passage of time had censored from his memory everything except the trimmings like crackers , turkeys and mince pies ; and he 'd imagined , in the place of the emotional strain and physical surfeit he 'd forgotten , a wholly fictitious jollity .
12 Indeed , his penchant for realism had led to his taking over a disused power station in Acton , West London , thoroughly refurbished , for the Aliens ' nesting place . )
13 Amaldi dodged the American invitation , perhaps because ( with Rome liberated ) Fermi 's mantle in physics had fallen on his young shoulders and there were younger minds to teach .
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