Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] at [noun prp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the earlier years of his reign he had tended to stay in the central area of Francia proper , often at Aachen , his father 's old base , or further west , for instance at Compiègne on the River Oise .
2 Matters had not been helped by the murder of the Earl of Moray at Linlithgow by a member of the rival Hamilton family , who aimed his musket from an upper window behind a line of washing .
3 ‘ Capes ’ deems the present aggregation of talent at Northampton as the best-balanced in his 11 years there .
4 He probably kept a further period of residence at Oxford in the 1660s , and at an unknown date became domestic chaplain to Sir Orlando Bridgeman [ q.v. ] , lord keeper of the Great Seal .
5 His book Chemical Method was translated in 1855 by William Odling , a prominent figure at the Royal Institution who went on to become Professor of Chemistry at Oxford in the 1870s , as courses in science there became important .
6 In the meantime , I think David had come to realize that he was responsible for an enormous amount of business at RCA in the United Kingdom — something like 4% of their total gross was David Bowie products — and he was making an enormous amount of money but he did n't have anything .
7 Tommy Banks and Roy Hartle reigned through eight years of terror at Bolton under the slogan : ‘ We gives 'em gravel-rash ! ’
8 This is simplified and implausible ( how could the Spartans exercise influence over Athenian politics ? ) but the grain of truth is that Themistokles was indeed out of favour at Athens by the end of the 470s , when he was ostracized ( Diod. xi.54 ) .
9 Rosa Jacobsen talked of birth and death , weaving the fabric of life at Elling into the familiar pattern of survival and defeat , thrust and withdrawal .
10 It 's no secret that Mansell has more than just a soft spot for Frank Williams , and indeed has enjoyed lots of success at Williams in the past .
11 Mr Hamilton-Renwick won Best of Breed at Crufts in the early 1950s , with Birling Rachel , the first of the breed to attract serious interest .
12 Eadberht last appears in 762 as a witness to a grant of land at Rochester to the bishop of Rochester by Sigered , king of Kent ( CS 193 : S 32 ) , the name suggesting a possible East Saxon origin .
13 After defeating countless Orc and Goblin tribes from the Worlds Edge Mountains he led his horde into Ostermark and looted several towns destroying the Temple of Sigmar at Nachtdorf in the process .
14 Codenamed Operation Blackthorn , county workmen , backed up by police , sealed off hundreds of acres of farmland at Hillersland at the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire .
15 West Country pacific Boscastle under restoration at Loughborough on the Great Central Railway .
16 Brand new stations are also needed sometimes , and an All- weather lifeboat station is currently under evaluation at Portree on the Isle of Skye , while Marazion in Cornwall has an Inshore lifeboat for the first time .
17 The highly acclaimed Herringcote development at Dorchester-on-Thames by Beechcroft , together with a similar select retirement scheme which is now under construction at Woodstock by the same company .
18 The man in charge at Chelsea at the moment , David Webb , is on probation and it is unlikely his chairman , the fiery Ken Bates , would release such a sum of money to him during the trial period .
19 In form at Middlesbrough at the moment is the former Sheffield dog , Batley Ranger , now with trainer Ronnie Chambers .
20 A PILLAR of the Baptist Church in North Wales has died in hospital at Wrexham at the age of 76 .
21 What happened that day put Mr Hoad in hospital at Gloucester with a spiral fracture of the arm , broken in 2 places .
22 News on Ronny is that he is in fact at Tottenham for the second week now .
23 They went to lunch at Fiesole on a perfect autumn day .
24 Storage of various liquid effluents on site at Sellafield since the early 1980s , pending the completion of new waste treatment plants designed to remove the most significant radioactivity , has been a contributory factor in reducing the level of discharges .
25 Army6pts Royal Air Force18 THE greater efficiency of the Royal Air Force 's back row and the all-round kicking ability of their outside-half , Paul Hull , carried them to victory at Twickenham against the Army in the final match of this season 's Inter-Service tournament .
26 Hans Waldman , another great Zurich burgomaster , led the Swiss forces to victory at Morat during the Burgundian war in 1476 , defeating the formerly all-conquering Charles the Bold .
27 The present steam engine rides which were on offer at Radstock on the Somerset and Avon Railway .
28 Marwood had a spell on loan at Middlesbrough towards the end of the season .
29 Orthodox pupils of the Jewish secondary school were greeted on arrival at Shefford with a welcoming ham omelette .
30 Six of his retainers were put to death at York on the day of his own execution , together with another eleven rebels , including Roger Clifford and John Mowbray , whose claim to the lordship of Gower had been set aside by the king in 1319 .
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