Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] have [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 I do happen to have responsibility for nearly two thousand lives on board , though God knows my powers of concentration have been tested to the full of late . ’
2 I suspect that higher amounts of compensation have been paid to those who have been allegedly ill-treated by the state than to the victims of terrorism in the Province .
3 At Ingoldmells , to the north of Skegness , heaps of debris have been found to be the result of salt-workings in the late Bronze Age .
4 If anything , studies suggest the opposite : children and young adults with crude fantasies of aggression have been found to be more openly aggressive in their behaviour than those whose aggressive fantasies are muted or contain elements indicating that they are as concerned with the dangerous consequences of their aggression as they are with the aggression itself .
5 According to this book , contributions of goodness have been made to the Created God , albeit unknowingly , by the countless thousands of individuals who , through many centuries have deliberately lived their lives constantly expanding , supporting and practising those human traits universally acknowledged as virtues .
6 Perhaps it is only because the duties of citizenship have been reduced to a minimum in those societies , with even voting being voluntary in most of them , that they survive as unitary states at all .
7 In broad terms , the shifts of emphasis have been related to two central themes : first , that notions of reading comprehension must take greater account of what is going on in the mind of the reader , and second , that methods of text analysis must take greater account of what is going on beyond the sentence boundary .
8 Acres of newsprint have been devoted to what went wrong with Labour 's election campaign .
9 In these experiments , two kinds of learning have been shown to be possible in a nervous system with fixed cell numbers and connections , by altering the effectiveness of synapses .
10 Now , it turns out , they could n't be : in both Italy and Japan , the guardians of democracy have been shown to be enmeshed in corruption .
11 It can be estimated from this experiment that at least 100 to 150 bp of DNA have been added to the ends of the linear plasmid .
12 Strictly speaking , collocations represent syntagmatic and paradigmatic knowledge rather than semantic , but it is argued that they represent the implicit application of syntactic , semantic and pragmatic knowledge [ Sharman , 1990 ] , and for reasons of simplicity have been referred to as a source of semantic information .
13 ‘ Hezbollah are zealots , Mr D'Arcy , but no one in Teheran would call them terrorists , even if acts of terrorism have been attributed to them .
14 Tons of food have been sent to Somalia but armed gangs have hijacked lorries , plundered stores and intercepted convoys before they can reach starving villagers .
15 False notions of rationality have been imputed to the Modern Movement in architecture , stressing economic and technological imperatives .
16 Various other items of plant have been transferred to group factories .
17 The quantities of initial sample used in different centres varies from 4 to 35 g per 1000 ml but in practice the most satisfactory concentrations from the viewpoint of reproducibility have been found to be between 10 and 20 g per 1000 ml .
18 Psychological theories of semantics have been shown to be important , since the human information processing system is the best example of a language processing system , and that such theories attempt to produce cognitive models that should be computationally implementable .
19 Some techniques , such as cost analysis and cost minimisation analysis , proceed on the basis that the alternatives under consideration have been shown to be equivalent in effectiveness .
20 Footnotes in plenty have been added to Dodd , but his pattern remains a fair summary of the early preaching so far as we can reconstruct it .
21 But particular abnormalities in biochemistry have been linked to schizophrenia since it was first discovered that hallucinatory drugs could induce a psychosis .
22 Swimmers in distress have been carried to safety on dolphins ' backs .
23 Several murders of Shah supporters in exile have been attributed to them …
24 Losses before tax have been cut to $1.3m ( £800,000 ) for the six months to 30 June , compared with $15.1m in the same period last year , on sales up 14 per cent at $60.2m .
25 Formal differences in art have been linked to places in varied ways , one of the best-known Renaissance contrasts being the stress on line evident in Florentine art as against the colourist approach of the Venetians , a city on water .
26 Resources which could be spent on health have been diverted to waiting for ill health and then trying to do something about it , usually with only limited effect .
27 First , the magnetic storage formats which are fundamental to computing have been demonstrated to be inherently unstable .
28 In addition , links for progression have been established to degree courses and professional qualifications .
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