Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and [noun] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are reports of amelioration of clinical signs , apparently due to a reduction in the size of the nodules , after prolonged treatment with some benzimidazoles , such as fenbendazole and oxfendazole at increased dosage rates .
2 Lynda Philamore , head of assessment and recruitment at British Airways — ranked 26 in The Times 1000 and employer of 44000 — was exceptional in this survey in expressing almost entirely negative views about the executive search industry , despite the publicity surrounding the success of headhunted chief executive Colin Marshall .
3 Quite a garden party atmosphere prevailed , which was emphasised by the serving of tea and ices at small tables .
4 One result of the influence of structuralism and post-structuralism on modern literary theory has been the rejection of the analysis of literary " character " as a valid part of critical practice ; but among readers of drama and theatre-goers at large there is still a widely held view that the playwright 's " characterisation " is a vital part of the dramatic work 's whole .
5 SHEENA works in the Scientific Services Division of Water and Drainage at Marine Esplanade in Edinburgh .
6 It 's a huge area expending from Lancashire into Cumbria , with around 120 square miles of mud and sand at low tide .
7 Children were pumped full of beer and wine at social ‘ dos ’ ; doctors freely prescribed alcoholic liquors , and society regarded reaching the condition of drunkenness as a great achievement .
8 Robson , only 50-50 for today 's big clash with Sheffield Wednesday , believes there is now a blend of craft and experience at Old Trafford that no other challengers can match .
9 Progressive and enterprising caterers and hotel proprietors constantly study and analyse in detail the current trends and developments in the industry in order to provide a high standard of accommodation and service at reasonable prices and to improve the efficiency of their establishments .
10 It seems unlikely that these differences are the result of ageing ; rather they probably illustrate the effect of historical time and the differing general , social and cultural attitudes towards the cause of health and illness at varying points in time in Britain .
11 But Charles the Bald also had a communications-network of his own : in his kingdom , many Roman roads had survived , with a system of public provision of food and transport at regular staging-posts at least along some routes .
12 Together with a programme of expansion and refurbishment at existing prisons there will be an additional capacity of 21,000 places .
13 Cullen is a Morse veteran , the cast is to some extent interchangeable , and the story is re-jigged so that instead of opening in Paris — as in the book — it began with the Fellows ' Winter Feast at St Mark 's College , with intrigue and skulduggery at high table .
14 On the other hand , a comparison with rescission and restitution at common law or in equity should not necessarily lead one to approach the construction of section 6(2) with the a priori disposition that the legislature wished to reproduce exactly the rules governing rescission and restitution at common law or in equity .
15 They beat and drove us aside , and off with team and wagon at high speed into the forest by a track that turned southwards .
16 The latter houses the Small Area Health Statistics Research Unit ( SAHSRU ) , which has a specific remit to conduct research into morbidity and mortality at local scales ( Elliot 1988 ) .
17 A fourth major strand in the intrigue is provided by Cliff Burnett 's hard-nosed Ridley , while Bob Wisdom revels in the part of Wates , the inevitable American agent , overloaded with gadgetry and confusion at British social customs .
18 Though the demand from industry and society at large was for better school education , the response came at first not from schools but from Youth Training Schemes for school-leavers , organized by the Manpower Services Commission .
19 NO is formed from fuel and air at high temperatures , such as in furnaces , power stations and car engines , In air , NO is converted to NO&sub2 ; , With sunlight and hydrocarbons , this forms ozone , part of photochemical smog .
20 These extinct groups can exceed crinoids in number and variety at certain horizons , and they were evidently competing on equal terms .
21 The sensitivities of fitness to changes in survival and fertility at different ages are explained in Box 1 , and illustrated by Fig. 1 , which is based on data from lines of Drosophila selected for early or late reproduction .
22 Light was where he found it : in my room I open Nairn in Darkness and Light at random : windows , lamps , doorways , the sky , night , fire .
23 The first of these is that while anthropology purports to say things about man and humanity at large , anthropological practice has fairly consistently been concentrated upon the study of " primitive " man rather than man as such .
24 Stocks purchased for resale and stocks at managed houses : at the lower of cost and net realizable value .
25 Boris Kozhin , Commander of Ukrainian Naval Forces , also condemned the move as contrary to the Dagomys agreement [ see p. 38925 ] , but claimed that the sailors had acted in response to humiliation and oppression at Russian hands .
26 The means of promoting consensus on the curriculum proved to be The National Curriculum 5–16 : a consultation document ( hereafter TNC ) , where it is argued that the national curriculum will help to raise standards by ensuring that all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the compulsory period ; by setting clear objectives of what pupils should be expected to achieve ; by ensuring that all pupils , irrespective of their sex , ethnic origins or geographical location have access to the same curriculum offer ; and by checking on performance and progress at various stages .
27 The optimality account of ageing has come to be known as the ‘ pleiotropy theory of senescence ’ , because it is often developed in terms of genes with effects on more than one aspect of the phenotype , in this case on survival and fertility at different ages .
28 But determining the optimal life history of any organism is difficult because the trade-off curves that reflects constraints on survival and fertility at different ages have never been measured .
29 Table I.6 Death-rates per thousand population by sex and age at various periods ( United Kingdom )
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