Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] from [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Most traders , by the middle of this week , were still waiting for confirmation from maltsters on the accurate nitrogen tests .
2 Detective Superintendent Jack Leyland , leading the investigation , today appealed for help from shopkeepers in the area who may have sold the items .
3 65 per cent of starts on training for Work from referrals by the Employment Service
4 Parliament created a limited form of protection from builders with the Defective Premises Act 1972 .
5 The ordinary practitioner will not need to dig any deeper than this — apart , of course from references to the statutes and law reports .
6 The branch secretary , Kathleen McAlorum , a Motherwell district councillor , said that an emergency meeting of the branch executive had been called last Sunday after complaints and threats of resignation from members over the deal for representation on the European committee of the regions .
7 It is important in using this method to exclude all transfer payments as these represent nothing more than a redistribution of income from taxpayers to the transfer recipients ; including them , therefore , would involve double-counting .
8 Companies that take significant sums of money from members of the public in advance of providing goods or services are in a special position of trust .
9 The next day Shamir pointedly announced that he was receiving large offers of money from Jews around the world .
10 The loss of revenue from areas of the country affected by civil unrest had also contributed to the deficit .
11 Bernard Ulrich and colleagues at the University of Gottingen had proposed that deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds ( originating from industrial activity and power generation ) led to the release of aluminium from minerals in the soil .
12 Apart from reservations from AT2 , the teachers anticipated no sense of intrusion from visits from the Senior Management Team , other than the Head , whose arrival AT3 expected to produce ‘ an entirely artificial atmosphere ’ .
13 All the same , however , it is at least tempting to think that ‘ why ? ’ here demands a switch of attention from rules to the intentions and motives of the agent .
14 The decision eight days into the trial was met with shouts of joy from relatives in the public gallery .
15 A police-horse running towards me at speed , shouts of terror from women in the crowd ; I fall down from fear and weakness — and the last thing I hear is a man shouting near me — ‘ Our day will come ! ’
16 Additionally , these marks must be " distinctive " ; that is , they are : adapted to distinguish goods with which the proprietor … is or may be connected in the course of trade from goods in the case of which no such connection subsists .
17 Most of all , after a few days there began to appear a growing chorus of complaint from hosts about the condition of some of the evacuees .
18 First , information about the meaning of the word in the component labelled cognitive system is accessed , since there is a pathway of communication from entries in the logogen system to semantic information in the cognitive system .
19 In the case of Kuwait , invaded by Iraq in August 1990 , this would refer not only to the Iraqis setting alight the oil wells but to the deliberate pumping of six million barrels of oil from refineries into the Persian Gulf waters .
20 In 1972 the diver Robert Marx , who has specialised in the salvaging of treasure from wrecks around the world , located the ‘ Maravillas ’ from nautical charts discovered in Seville together with a copy of the ship 's cargo manifest .
21 By those who treat scientific and religious discourse as two distinct language games , or who detach doctrines of creation from statements about the physical world , Drummond 's attempt to integrate his faith with evolutionary science would be dismissed as an unfortunate error .
22 ‘ Technology thrives by taking the best elements of technology from countries around the world , so free trade is absolutely crucial , but so far he has not made a clear stand on free trade . ’
23 With help from officers from the Federation Against Copyright Theft ( Fact ) , which made the prosecution , they uncovered a wide network of shops throughout the North-East , and as far south as Cambridgeshire , which had received videos from Classic Video .
24 Mr Anthony Hamnett , 48 , a trainee solicitor at the time with Nabarro Nathanson , admitted eating the penis under pressure from secretaries during the lunch held in a Chelsea restaurant just before Christmas 1990 .
25 The government was said also to have acted under pressure from hard-liners in the ruling Congress ( I ) who favoured the blanket dismissal of all BJP ministries .
26 Lugg Meadows alongside the river in Hereford is already an SSSI , but is under threat from plans for the city 's eastern bypass .
27 However to judge by the veteran abolitionist Lushington 's intervention in the 1831 debate the powerful demand for immediatism from abolitionists in the country was still somewhat muffled in parliament ; he approved of it if understood as , measures immediately brought in now and adopted which might lead to the gradual extinction of slavery' ; Buxton had avoided completely talking of immediate emancipation .
28 These conflicting findings probably arise in part from differences in the effectiveness and time course of the afferent blockade of nociceptors by the different interventions .
29 This situation arises in part from variations in the depth of erosion which has intersected the overthrust complex at different zones in different areas .
30 By contrast with Godwin and his circle , who grew out of a broad and rising general formation , at first not in critical relations with its own class , the Pre-Raphaelites , who were in majority from families of the commercial bourgeoisie , were in conscious opposition to the main cultural tendencies of their class , though they may finally be seen as articulating and expressing them .
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