Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] by the [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was one of five selected selected for inspection by the Assessors from a total entry of 15 .
2 Orders for payment by the plaintiffs of costs to be taxed on the standard basis have already been made in this action .
3 The treaty was due to enter into force after ratification by the parliaments of the five signatories by Jan. 1 , 1992 .
4 Poor Charles Bradlaugh , returned time after time by the electors of Northampton was first found by the courts ( on the application of an informer for a penalty ) to be disentitled to affirm ( since , having no religion , he had no religious objection to taking the oath ) ( in Clarke v Bradlaugh ( 1881 ) 7 QBD 38 , reversed but not on this point in Bradlaugh v Clarke ( 1883 ) 8 App Cas 354 ) .
5 Financial Reporting Exposure Draft No. 3 — ‘ Accounting for capital instruments ’ was approved for issue by the members of the Accounting Standards Board .
6 Where a capital sum ( as defined ) is paid directly or indirectly in any relevant year of assessment by the trustees of a settlement to the settlor then , to the extent that there is an amount of income available ( as defined ) in the settlement , the settlor can be taxed on that capital sum as if it were income .
7 The latest investigations also relate to incidents in 1988 when Mrs Mandela had returned to Soweto after years of banishment by the authorities to a remote town in the Orange Free State and had surrounded herself with a bodyguard of ‘ football club ’ thugs .
8 Derrida 's deconstruction of the notion of presence by the logics of the ‘ always already ’ and ‘ originary repetition ’ inevitably conflict with a history constructed in terms of a teleological movement from an origin , which can always be reawakened , towards the self-realization of an idea ‘ whose end may always be anticipated in the form of presence ’ .
9 Active tenants ' and residents ' committees in your block or area are a good sign : they give you a point of contact with neighbours and usually mean that your environment is afforded some degree of protection by the efforts of these people .
10 To reach such a target audience we probably need , at the minimum , ( a ) about two pages of description by the authors of each unit , telling the user how to load the program , how to drive it , and its limitations both educationally and technically this information could be included on the disc or tape that loads the program ( b ) some incentive to the programmer to document the program to this level , perhaps through its resulting acceptance into a ‘ library ’ ( c ) assurance from those receiving the program that they will be prepared to deal with the problems that such draft programs impose — this implies that they must be fairly competent users of their computer system : they could not expect to get software support from the author , who is likely to be another teacher whose time is fully occupied ( d ) some financial and organizational support for the distribution of programs , even if only on a cooperative basis ( e ) that users of such programs should undertake to report to the authors ( and to the library ? ) on the usefulness of each program received , and if they wish , to make recommendations for improvement .
11 The value then of a political product ( produced of course by the professionals in the political field ) is dependent on two factors : ( 1 ) the symbolic capital of the political agent and his/her party ( political-symbolic capital includes the holding of party posts and the holding of local and less major national offices ; its maximization entails hyperconformity to social norms ) and ( 2 ) the extent to which these political symbols ( Bourdieu likens them to ‘ signifiers ’ ) corresponds to the interests and central meanings ( ‘ signifieds ’ ) of stratified consumers in the social .
12 And the lack of response by the authorities in Tower Hamlets leads us to conclude that ‘ institutional ’ racism is very much alive and kicking .
13 He had been eight days at the wheel of the destroyer , and had brought her back from Greenland by ‘ Boxing the compass ’ and his father , HMS Reading 's senior officer , now more than middle-aged , had been put out of action by the rigours of the journey from Liverpool to America , and had had to hand over to Arthur when about two days out of St John 's heading for Iceland .
14 On Feb. 16 , 1990 , he had been elected unanimously to the office of President by the deputies to the then Constituent Assembly .
15 He was appointed a deputy lieutenant of Kinross-shire in 1964 , and was awarded the honorary degree of LLD by the universities of Edinburgh ( 1954 ) , St Andrews ( 1955 ) , and Aberdeen ( 1960 ) .
16 Second , Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , which is one of the opportunistic infections listed in the clinical definition of AIDS by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and the most frequently reported , developed within two weeks of the onset of symptoms of primary HIV-1 infection .
17 Britain also sought American help in dealing with the unilateral declaration of independence by the whites of Southern Rhodesia in 1965 in the face of the Wilson government 's insistence on safeguards for the rest of the population .
18 Featuring three Fergussons from the University 's own collection , the show was the first selected exhibition of work by the Colourists since 1988 .
19 Whoever wrote the prologue saw the compilation of a law-code , rightly or wrongly , not in the context of earlier Roman legislation , which culminated in the Theodosian Code , but in that of the pronouncement of law by the law-men of small communities .
20 It was , Mr. Langley submitted , for the very reason that section 39 overrode confidence that the provisions of sections 82 to 84 were incorporated by Parliament , laying down careful guidelines for the preservation of confidence by the recipients of information under the Act , subject to specified exceptions .
21 But the Conservative chairman , Mr Kenneth Baker , last night contrasted media talk of ‘ a crisis of confidence ’ with the ‘ vote of confidence by the markets of the world ’ .
22 However , this case was an extreme example of disregard by the plaintiffs towards the quality of confidence ( a tape recording was provided to , inter alia , the defendants , saying that the plaintiff 's sales and marketing plan was available to anyone and could be copied by them : the tape gave details of the plan ) .
23 For a time , therefore , they could respond to any restriction of cash by the authorities by simply reducing their cash ratio toward the minimum , rather than having to reduce credit .
24 Esau was designated a man of war by the terms of Isaac 's blessing : ‘ By your sword you shall live ’ ( 27.40 ) .
25 In later years the events of 5 October were to be polished into simplified and incompatible propaganda versions ; it has to be stressed that the whole affair was a series of blunders and the violence resulted from a breakdown of control by the leaders of the march and the controllers of the police , and not from any pre-existing plan .
26 If we judge the content of Marxism by the writings of Marx , Engels and Lenin it consists of three major elements : a philosophy of history , a theory of economics and a view of the state and revolution ; the first derived from the work of Hegel , the second from the British classical political economy as evidenced in the writings of Ricardo , and the third from the revolutionary tradition of French socialist thinkers such as Gismondi , Proudhon , Fourrier and Saint Simon .
27 The inquiry was ordered into the Glasgow Paddock Selling Hurdle on December 12 , 1987 after allegations of interference by the riders of the first and second horses .
28 The Libyan leader 's Green Book is distributed as a work of major ideological significance : ‘ Encapsulated within the Green Book is the ideology of the people , of government by the masses for the masses in a true democracy , one which renders obsolete the reactionary twin-sisters of Capitalism and Communism ’ ( no. 41 ) .
29 Counsel for the appellants further submit that the life prisoner should also be informed of any advice given to the Secretary of State by the officials of his department .
30 Donaldson J. rightly held that this was a breach of duty by the brokers to their principals .
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