Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv] when [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 East African Asian children are sent for assessment even when they speak fluent English …
2 They are about to kill Simon who is their only sign of hope therefore when they do accidentally kill him , the island is almost like hell with no good on it .
3 Such black holes could not be formed by gravitational collapse , because their masses are below the Chandrasekhar mass limit : stars of this low mass can support themselves against the force of gravity even when they have exhausted their nuclear fuel .
4 One other possible objection is that the difference which we are describing may be real but should not be regarded as part of syntax , rather as a variation that comes into play only when we focus on the correlation between linguistic expressions and external non-linguistic phenomena .
5 It also does n't have to be a particularly fast drive because spreadsheets read the data into memory once when you start using them and after that the speed of the disk has no effect .
6 just pop it in oven then when they come in
7 urge people to press on with the task in hand especially when they have second thoughts
8 Interruptions are not always a curse ; I sometimes find that a lost association breaks the surface for air precisely when I 've stopped actively thinking about the writing .
9 You can do it at home or at work just when you feel you need it .
10 Rather than mount from the ground , which can take some young horses by surprise just when you do n't want to , I opted for a leg-up and repeated the walk , trot and half transitions .
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