Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is worth checking what is available on video with a view to picking short sequences which could be used as mind stretchers occasionally at the beginning of a training session .
2 But the council said the Government 's decision to repatriate had profound implications for asylum seekers all over the world and added that it was ‘ utterly appalled ’ by the action taken furtively in Hong Kong .
3 The project involves a close study of the scientific context of research proposals together with the interactions of researchers , reviewers and funding agencies — topics which have not so far been systematically examined .
4 formation or retention of village greens together with the encouragement of social amenities .
5 In the last few years our understanding of pillow lavas has advanced dramatically , due almost entirely to some remarkable observations made by diver-geologists of pillow lavas actually in the process of formation in the sea off Hawaii .
6 The Labour Party 's housing policy emphasized the development of council estates generally on the edge of cities or within the various new towns where land was much cheaper .
7 However , for entry to certain courses which are under considerable pressure , higher grades are required : these courses are identified in the tables of degree courses earlier in the prospectus .
8 This forecast suggests that the future will consist of business cycles just like the present and the past .
9 In common with the expansion of day services generally during the 1960s and 1970s ( Carter , 1981 ) their development had been fairly ad hoc and unstructured .
10 Use of a tape recorder in an interview is a crude example ; automatic transfer of tree girths directly from the measuring tape to some magnetic storage medium is another .
11 Now penurious ( ‘ I live , ’ she said , ‘ from mouth to hand ’ ) , and accepting her situation with great dignity and courage , she was striving to fulfil her ambition of taking the degree denied to her on the grounds of race years earlier at the University of Cracow .
12 Both play a very clever trick which will answer the prayers of video users all round the world .
13 The objective of these guidelines is to place the cylinder index on the file cylinder that is of lowest possible activity , in such a position that the majority of head movements away from the index will be short .
14 Details of ticket prices etc. for the Celebrating Age Festival to be held at the Royal Albert Hall are not yet known ; they will appear in the September Medau News .
15 More than one hundred graduates assembled and brought with them memories and memorabilia of student days both in the Department and in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia .
16 The fact that the college is situated in a campus-like setting alongside two other further education colleges not only reduces the isolation which is characteristic of the great majority of agricultural colleges , but also enables its students to share residential , recreational , and sporting facilities and membership of student societies both with the College of Librarianship and the Aberystwyth College of Further Education and also with University College , Aberystwyth .
17 The concentration of inhumation cemeteries close to the defences also suggests contraction , though several presumably earlier cremation urns from the same areas might counsel caution .
18 South Korea maintained barriers to imports of consumer goods well into the 1980s .
19 This success is something to share with the company 's business partners , host economies , shareholders , employees and , of course , drinkers of quality beers all over the world .
20 The winter of 1978–9 was the winter of discontent , the discontent of trade unions generally with the guidance contained in the White Paper , published in July 1978 , on pay policy .
21 There is , I know , much gnashing of teeth , banging of beer glasses etc. about the non-appearance of the Ogwen & Carneddau and Llanberis guides , but both these tomes are at least on the horizon now .
22 Also conceived in the tropics was a model of landscape development which was generated against the background of the seasonally humid tropics rather than the semi-arid , and which was related to weathering profiles and to igneous rocks and the experience of soil scientists together with the benefits of inputs from climatic geomorphology .
23 This is not a matter of communication skills alone despite the emphasis which is placed on the open dialogue between schools and parents and on the need for active publicity .
24 Another example of regional development has been in the relocation of Government Departments away from the south-east .
25 Growth there complemented decline elsewhere , notably in the traditional manufacturing core of the country 's northeast : this led to the development of the shorthand term Sunbelt:Frostbelt ( or Sunbelt:Snowbelt , or Sunbelt:Rustbelt ) to represent the shift of manufacturing jobs away from the climatically less attractive parts of the United States and towards those earlier identified by Ullman ( 1954 ) as having attractive climates .
26 MONEY raised through the Church of Ireland 's Bishops ' Appeal will go towards relief projects all over the world .
27 Would he echo the view of music lovers everywhere about the release of a certain rap record which shows the statesmanlike approach of the Leader of the Opposition ?
28 The methodology represents a significant change in the development of computing systems away from the technology , in particular , hardware and software ( including programming techniques and algorithms ) , and towards data and the way it is structured .
29 Catcalls and guffaws from the spectators , battle-cries from the combatants and a clashing of dustbin lids together with the strains of ‘ Any Old Iron ’ and ‘ Viva España ’ .
30 With 300 years of coal reserves still under the ground here , there are still young Foresters hopeful of a traditional future down the pit .
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