Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [pron] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Large enough to be able to offer supervision in most areas of social policy and social work , the department 's commitment to research creates a very congenial environment for research students who will encounter a wide range of substantive interests and methodological expertise .
2 The sails are currently standing up very well with no evidence of delamination , despite being used by as many as 30 different boats in up to 27 knots apparent wind ( purely for research purposes you will understand — not recommended for normal Sigma racing ) .
3 This mixture of anarchy , looseness-of-link and contingency encourages the discrete offering of management skills which will help the student to cope with the four or five separable outcomes of the legislative changes of the late 1980s .
4 It is the skirl of up-stream pipes and the roll of battle drums which will cause things to happen .
5 The next stage is to extend the approval to cover the repair and overhaul of engine components which will involve the new component repair facility at Kirkhill .
6 As a guide to the number of curtain hooks you will need , allow about 4 hooks per 30cm ( 12in ) on gathered headings .
7 In other words , chords on the third to sixth degrees of the scale are only inversions of chords on the first and second degrees : Clearly this makes for rather meagre harmonic material if we limit ourselves only to triadic usage , so it is better to exploit other kinds of chord shapes which will serve to produce impressions of greater harmonic variety .
8 Agronomic techniques of conservation are perhaps more in terms of preventing the start of the process of removal of soil particles , by the introduction of farming practices which will provide stable yields through time .
9 The reduction of trading costs which will result from the creation of the SEM could lead to many such companies expanding into cross-frontier trading activities .
10 For a pair of tie bands you will need approximately 40cm ( 16in ) of outer fabric and lining , ( use the wastage between pattern repeats for both outer fabric and lining where possible ) ; pelmet buckram 45cm ( 18in ) wide to the length of the band ; approximately 30cm ( 12in ) bump to soften the buckram ; two tie-back hooks and two small rings .
11 The final group are the developers of AI applications who will need specific , in-depth training on the AI tools and techniques they are going to use .
12 The Bank gave details of District Centres which will have an effect on the Branch structure in Northern Ireland and these will be discussed by the Bank of Ireland Executive Committee in due course .
13 Right and that was the result we generally observe in agriculture in that , for example , if you have ever been down to er the West the West of England where there is a number of apple growers you will find that when there is a very big harvest , right , apples just left to rot on trees , right , simply because it is not worth farmers harvesting er those apples because they wo n't get er price to cover their average vanable costs .
14 with System Ten has announced a family of control servers which will enable us to control this network of servers and clients as if it was a single machine .
15 The other out of pocket expenses you will have to pay include legal fees , valuation fee and land registry fee .
16 This is the first of a series of biennial exhibitions which will include painting , sculpture , photography , installation and video .
17 Two and a half years ago Camel Laird started a campaign to gain access to the intervention funding and because of the total lack of any sort of industrial policy by this government , and their refusal to support the Camel Laird application to the E E C , next month will see the closure of Camel Lairds which will lead to a loss of skills that amounts almost to a criminal act on the part of this government , who seem prepared to allow this country to become a skill-free zone in order to drive down wages and conditions to a rate comparable with some Third World countries .
18 Miners ' leaders committed to the baths heeded the advice of a mining engineer at the Royal Commission which resulted in the 1911 act , whose advice was : if you win the women to the cause of pithead baths you will win the baths .
19 The Syracuse group is developing prototypes of software technologies which will accelerate the take-up of general purpose parallel computing .
20 Some of these might be : recognizes that a number of squares can be rearranged and form several different shapes ; knows that , in order to cover a given rectangle with different sizes of squares , the smaller squares will produce the larger numbers ; knows that to find an area is to find the number of unit shapes which will cover a shape .
21 Second , little is known about the accuracy of the estimates of the number of school pupils who will come from recent and future housing developments .
22 Instead of searching for the musical expression of class standpoints one will do better so to conceive the relation of music to classes that any music will present the picture of antagonistic society as a whole ( Adorno 1976 : 68 , 69 , emphasis added ) .
23 But it is the voice of Pearl investors which will have more influence on the outcome and they should keep quiet for the time being .
24 He welcomed simplification of VAT rules which will cut compliance costs for companies , but said the rise in petrol prices would hit delivery and distribution costs for firms .
25 Liberal Democrat Peter Bergg could pick up a significant number of protest votes which will boost his party 's previous showing .
26 ‘ I called on my experience with rock managers who will remain very nameless , ’ says Gary .
27 a three hour , HCIMA set , unseen paper taken under examination conditions which will carry 60% of the total marks
28 Sheng will now be fitted with plastic splints which will help develop his walking skills .
29 Much of the responsibility for this will rest with health authorities who will play the key role in demonstration projects recently announced by the Government .
30 As with stone throwers you will have to use your judgement to decide how many models are caught .
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